Remembering Bhagbat Gita with 'Prabhupad'

 All glories to Srila Prabhupad

                                                       Bal Gangadhar Tilak  was a scholastic Indian personality.He did write verse on Bhagbat Gita.  At one event of spiritual discourse, where Srila Bhakti Vedanta Swami, Prabhupad was preaching, Prabhupad said Tilak does not understand Bhagbat Gita. At this remark of Prabhupad, everybody present got surprised,& asked how is that ? Tilak has already written verse on Bhagbat Gita, he does not understand it, How is this ?......... Prabhupad said, Bhagbat Gita is not meant for scholastic people & It should not be understood from the scholastic point of view. It is meant for devotees,just like Arjun. So, anybody who understands Bhagbat Gita really,must become a devotee/try to be. But Tilak was in politics till his last. Thus how can it be established that Tilak understands Bhagbat Gita. At this, everybody present  was convinced & praised for his logical remark.

                                                                                                  (JAY SRILA PRABHUPAD KI JAY) " Hare Krishna"


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