Hare Krsna !


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !

Dear devotees. Recently, after the Adipurush issue, my family got interested in the Ramayan serial of Ramanand Sagar & they have been watching it since a few days. Today, while watching some episodes, I realized the great importance of Siddhanta while reading / hearing Leela.

The manner in which HDG Srila Prabhupada has provided the Purports in Bhagavad Gita As It Is & in Srimad Bhagavatam makes the Siddhanta of Vedas, Upanishads & Bhakti Shastras so easy for people like me, who haven't read much of philosophy in life. I found out that, by Lord Sri Krsna's & Srila Prabhupada's Mercy, am able to find out some hidden messages in the episodes of the Ramayan serial.

For example, when Maharaja Janaka provides a solution in Chitrakoot, when Lord Sri Ram insisted on staying in the forest for Vanvaas & Prince Bharata was insisting Lord Sri Ram to return to Ayodhya. This Leela I understood as importance of Guru (Maharaja Janaka) when a jiva (enacted by Prince Bharata) wants to approach The Lord (Lord Sri Ram) & teaches us that Bonafide Guru provides actual & proven path towards The Lord.

Another example I understood was when Lord Sri Ram went to meet Sugreev when he lost the 1st fight between himself & Baali since because of both of them being identical twins, Lord Sri Ram didn't kill Baali with His arrow as He didn't wanted to take any risk. I understood this as an indication of how ignorant we are, that we blame The Lord for any minutest discomfort in our life, whereas, The Lord is so much concerned for us, that The Lord is NOT willing to take even the slightest risk, in providing His mercy, even if it means that some people might question even The Lord.

These things are really really important factors in motivating me further in Krishna Consciousness. Lots lots lots of Thanks to all the Devotees here !! Lots lots lots of Thanks & Obesiences to Srila Prabhupada!!

Haribol !!

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    • Hare Krishna Prabhuji !

      Want to thank you Prabhu ji. I mentioned in my previous reply that one Prabhu ji empathized with me & gave a solution to just ignore any content that directs us away from Bhakti. That Prabhu ji were YOU who, around 6 months ago, gave me this solution. Want to thank you a lot. Lord Sri Krishna's mercy, in the form of support of devotees like you, have a biiiiig importance in my journey in Krishna Consciousness in the past few months !!

      Haribol !!

    • Hare Krishna!

      Yes sure. I'll explain this by comparing the Bali Vadh leela & the experiences we get during our initial days of Bhakti.

      In the Baali Vadh Leela, when Lord Sri Ram told Sugreev to provoke Baali for a fight, for the first time, during which Lord Sri Ram would kill Baali with His arrow, in that fight, the bodily & facial features of Baali & Sugreev were very identical. So, Lord Sri Ram didn't kill Baali in that war, as there were chances that instead of Baali, the arrow might kill Sugreev (although Lord Sri Ram can never make any mistake, but it was done for the sake of Leela). What happened next was that Sugreev asked Lord Sri Ram that why did He not kill Baali ? Why did He not tell Sugreev in the beginning itself, so that Sugreev would not have to got through so much pain in the fight ?

      This indicates that The Lord puts His devotees' interests & concerns above His own. Although Sugreev questioned The Lord for His actions, which Lord Sri Ram obviously knew in the beginning, the He would be questioned, as He is All - Knowing, still He chose to act for the benefit of His devotee.

      Similar things we also experience in our daily life. At times it appears that after beginning our devotion, our troubles have increased. Like, people ask us the reasons of Tilak / Kanthi etc., some of them stare, or, make fun of the Vaishnav symbols, sometimes the urges of senses, especially tongue, are very strong & it becomes difficult to overcome them. In such situations, if our Sadhna, or, understanding of Siddhanta (which again comes from Sadhna) is weak, then we might complain that after beginning Bhakti, Lord Sri Krishna sent even more troubles in our lives. But, Lord Sri Krishna doesn't care about our complaints, because such difficulties are actually just extremely small making ups of our past Karma, so that we become Karma Free as soon as possible, just like it is said that if I am a devotee & I get a razor cut, actually by Karma I deserved my head to be chopped off, but because of mercy of Lord Sri Krishna, the Karma got reduced to a minute thing like razor cut.

      I also undergo such things at times, since I am in very early days of Bhakti (8 months into Krishna Consciousness). At times someone shows me some Mayavadi content on youtube, for example, Arya Samaj. At times, I get a recommendation of Ancient Aliens episodes, who compare Lord Sri Krishna as an extraterrstrial being (sorry, I hope I have not commited any Aparadha byt mentioning this, as before coming to Bhakti, I sometimes used to watch them, so Youtube algorithm does these things). I used to think that these content existed before I came to Bhakti also, but they never upset me, but now they are doing. So, I thought that this "getting upset" is just a small Karma-Fruit, to remove some Karma from my plate & also to strengthen my faith (because when we succesfully overcome unfavourable environment, we GROW). Also, one Prabhu ji consoled me & showed empathy & gave me a very simple solution, to stay away from such content :), so, these troubles made me realize importance of Sadhu Sanga, even if it is online. So, it might have been a plan of Lord to make me realize importance of Sadhu Sanga !


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        • Hare Krishna Prabhu ji !

          Thanks for the appreciation. And yes, you are correct. Mayavada is a big pain, for which is to be kept far far away from ourselves.

          Haribol !

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