Hare Krishna,

Im not a very advanced devotee, but what I do is I read Ekadasi mahatmya time to time and observe Ekadasi fast. As per the ekadasi mahatmya it is written that any one who reads it or listens it all of his sins will be finished.

If our sins are finished then is it true that we should not suffer the results of sins. I know it is true. But still in my present moment Im desperately looking for a job. Hope Krishna removed all my sins such that I could get a job and spend my time thinking about him rather than putting my efforts in getting a job.

Hare Krishna.

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    then no need to force them to fast but to give or tell them to eat Prasadam at Govindas.

    Even grains.

    If they have scriptural evidences then they have to call the title of a scripture and bona fide parampara in which line this scripture is safely coming down. or else we should not accept it as a truth.  

    Your servant, 

  • Volunteer

    my humble obeisances dear Devotees,

    We are able to wash all the sins which we have done within one life without the help of Guru and Krishna. It is true that if one reads about Ekadashi and fasts on Ekadashi aome amount of sins will be removed. There is no doubt.

    But how many sins will be removed is depended on the quality of our fasting and reading.

    There was a one nice story:

    There was a brahma rakshasa living in the tree but who wanted to get out from that condition. He went for help to sage and told him to help then sage told that i will read Bhagavatam for some days and if you hear it attentively then only you will achieve freedom. So reading started. Sage used to sit under that tree and there arrived other Devotees in order to hear Bhagavatam.

    Days past and when Bhagavatam came to end the tree explored into peaces and they could see that the rakshasa took a spiritual body and went back to Godhead.

    Then other Devotees were surprised and ask question why they did not achieve that goal even though all were hearing the same book.

    He told that rakshasa was hearing the words of Bhagavatam with full attention, with his life and soul because  of that he achieved his goal.


    Because of that quality is important.


    And Pratap Prabhu, for our material duties also we have to put some efforts. It is not like that if we sit job offering will come on its own. No!

    Even here we have to be little bit active. 

    Look for job asking to Your friends, friends of Your friends...

    Go directly to the places where You would like to work and talk with them not only leave Your resume.

    And there is one rule which i heard in the lecture of senior Devotee.

    He told that if at this time one is offered job with less salary then he has to apply for it and do his job very honestly in order to please Krishna. Here also QUALITY is very important. If job givers will see the honesty and determination in a person then they will be interested in that person and give more tasks.

    In the beginning we will start with less thing. But we have to do our job not thinking about the result but about the quality. Then Krishns is in everyone's heart and He will arrange something.

    For example, i know senior Doctor Devotee who did not have education in the beginning but when he started to just do menial services at the hospital  the hospital director seeing his qualifications told him to enter to the medical university and took charge of all his tuition expenses. In this way now he is very learned Ayurvedic Doctor plus Devotees. Who also helps to many many Devotees and also through his preaching many new Devotees come contact with Krishna Consciousness.

    In this way find Your nature and act accordingly and Krishna won't leave You without bread.

    Your servant,


    • Thank You Mataji. Your suggestions are so true to heart. Its absolutely correct when they say true devotee's answer are always right.

      Im highly obliged.

      Hare Krishna. Hari Bola.

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