
  • HK Pr, PAMHO:

    Actually, you missed out on 2 crucial investments; Gold and Stock market, these are certainly gambling. In the core context, the paper currency itself is gambling, but we don't have much choice in it because this is the way of life currently.

    Earlier, exchanges used to take place as barter system and real wealth meant having Gold and precious stones, but the whole population all over the world has closed its eyes to it.

    I am posting a Youtube video to understand what money is, this video is not created by Spiritualists, it is created by materialists, a must see for everyone.

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Sumitra Mataji,

    please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    I did not understand what is "LIC policy" but concerning other things:

    investing on property means? to collect money for buying new property? If is so then it is not gambling if the money is earned by honest work. 

    Insurance? medical insurance? if it is so then for example, if we want to visit European countries one is required to take medical insurance for one year, in this way it is must in order to visit one those countries. It is not a gambling.

    Deposit from bank is also not a gambling. Because it seems like we give our money to others and they do not just keep the money but work with it and make from one dollar two in honest way. In this way it is also not a gambling.

    Gambling means to try to earn money by non honest ways. By cheating. Where too much passion is involved. Where too much worry and risks are involved.

    And the mode of passion brings to mind many trouble and make us even to loose our clear intelligence. 

    As an example for cheating and gambling might be the network marketing where people earn money by just selling to people papers. They cheat people with words and do not even give product for their money but paper which one should also to sell and cheat...

    Your servant,

    • Hare Krsna Mataji


      Thank you so much. It made my mind clear about the subject. But once i asked about the investing on share markets, stocks. One prabhuji replied with that investing in these things is related to gambling. You can view this topic on discussion. Kindly help me.

      • Volunteer

        my humble obeisances dear Devotees,

        But what is share market dear Mataji? 

        Sometimes before i asked this question to some Devotees but again forgot. 

        Your servant,

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