Question of a novice

Hare Krishna Prabhu

I am a devotee. I am 43 years old. I have been reading Shrimad Bhagwatam written by His divine grace Srila Prabhupada. I am at canto 10. In the month of Kartik, I started listening to Damodarashtakam while  focusing on lotus feet of Shri Krishna. I did it before going to bed at night. I did it during Kartik, almost every day. I am still doing it. And I if I miss to listen to that rendition  of Damodarashtakam and focusing on lotus feet of Krishna any day then I feel guilty, incomplete and sad. Doing it, makes me feel contented. 

Though I keep chanting (in my mind) the Mahamantra throughout the day, whenever I am not talking or not doing anything; but I do not do vocal chanting. I am apprehensive of reaction of my family members. 

what am I doing? I am confused. Why do I feel peaceful listening to Damodarashtakam every night and focusing on lotus feet of Sri Krishna? It's almost always brings tears to my eyes while I am doing that. But I am not doing vocal chanting of Mahamantra even a single round. What should I do? How should I get to chanting ? Does listening to Damodarashtakam before sleeping and focusing on lotus feet of Sri Krishna get me any closer to Him?


  • your servant 

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  • It sounds like you are deeply connected to your spiritual practice through listening to Damodarashtakam and focusing on Krishna's lotus feet, which brings you peace and contentment. Your experience of joy and tears reflects a genuine emotional connection to the divine. To move closer to chanting vocally, consider starting with just a few rounds when you feel comfortable, perhaps in a private space, gradually building your confidence. Remember, every effort in devotional practice helps strengthen your bond with Krishna. 

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    • Hare Krishna Prabhu

      Thank you for taking time to reply.

      While I try to chant everyday now. I have few dilemmas which I want to ask in this forum. I am mostly a vegetarian but I do eat non-vegetarian foods once in a while, when I am in somewhere out on work. Though I know that I can not chant on the day which I have eaten non-vegetarian food, but I am unable to control myself. I do not like or dislike non vegetarian food but eating nonvegetarian food when I am at conferences ore meetings has been my habit for years and I am unable to get out of it. What should I do? Further, all my professional friends and colleagues are non vegetarian so it is logistically and culturally difficult for me to refuse it, sometimes. But on the day when I eat it and miss my chanting, I feel very sad I feel I have distanced myself from Sri Krishna. Next day I start my chanting with vigour but I sense I have lost a day or I have created impurity in myself. Please suggest. 

      Also please guide how to keep my focus intact on Sri Krishna and Srimati Radha Rani. Though I have some friends who are supportive but most of them are not. My family is supportive too but specially my small kids. But so much happens around in the residential society where I live; being an active member of residents welfare associations, I end up getting distracted from the teachings. Please help how should I proceed further and improve my bhakti


      Your servant

  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    So happy you have started to chant, and more importantly, that you wait to chant everyday.

    It is natural for the mind to wander when we chant. Chant anyways. You have started now, in 3 days you are saying mind is wandering. I started 3 decades ago, still difficult to control mind. I chant anyways.

    Just continue to chant. If possible, set targets - say every ekadasi, or festival like gaur purnima or nityanand trayoddashi, you will increase one round. Like this, keep on increasing till you reach 16. Then stick to 16. Do at your own pace. Be comfortable with chanting, do not make it a chore. 

    Happy chanting.

    While chanting, you have to hear each syllable of the mahamantra, that is ideal. Wherever the mind wanders, bring it back to hearing hyour own voice. That is the best purification.


    Your servant,

    Radha Rasamayi DD


  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    Firstly, sorry for delayed response. 

    It is very nice that you are hearing Damodar Ashtakam every night and that you miss it when you dont. It is very good. Certainly beneficial and brings you closer to Krsna.

    However, it is also hiughly recommended that you chant mahamantra on beads/ counter/ fingers/ excel every single day. I am sure you find time during the day when you are alone, not being monitored by anyone. Chant then. Make it a point to do 4 rounds of mahamantra everyday. It will take 30 min of your 24 hours. 

    Chanting mahamantra is important because it is the prescribed medicine for this kaliyug. For eg: if we have stomach ache, we can take simple pudin hara or some such home remedy. But if we want to know what is the medicine for our specific illness, we have to go to a doctor and follow his advice. That same way, while all the names of the lord are potent and purify us, mahamantra has been recommended for this age. So by chanting mahamantra, we feed the soul, the way we feed our body with food everyday. Now we have not been feeding our soul for so many births through ages. Thats why we have to give atleast a mealful to see any effect on us. The way a well nourished body can withstand changes in weather or ailments, a well nourished soul can withstand inevitable reverses and challenges in life. We feel peaceful, at the same time mahamantra purifies our soul and takes us closer to Krsna.

    Please continue with Damodar ashtakam the way you are doing, and add chanting the mahamantra.

    Thank you,

    Your servant,

    Radha Rasamayi DD.

    • Hare Krishna Mataji

      Thank you very much for replying to my query. 

      I have started chanting from the day of Makar Sankranti. At present I am able to do it once only. I use a Mala for it. I am able to do it only at the end of day just before sleep. It has been a few days only. I am not sure but I do kind of wait whole day to be able to do chanting everyday. I am always looking forward to it. 

      However my mind meanders many times while I chant. What should I focus on, while chanting. 

      Please answer my dobts

      Your servant

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