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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Bunty Pr

    I have not heard of such a statement. However from my experience I can say that both are addictive in nature. When I was doing my BE I got my personal computer. I was not in touch with devotees/ISKCON that time and the soul usage of my  computer was to play games and watching pron. I was addicted so much for the video game that even during the exams I would play including on the day of exams. That is the height of addition of such things. Better give up before u get addicted such things.

    hari bol.

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    it is bad because we LOOSE OUR TIME!

    Time is very important. Time is running!

    We are dying and no time for sitting over the screen and use our energy for non devotion.

    Your heart should pain when You do not chant the Holy Names. Your eyes should fill with tears when You do not chant attentively.

    Your servant, 

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krsna,

    I would tend to think that games can be a stress buster provided it does not become addictive, that is, provided that we devotees keep in mind that we need to favour krishna conscious activities. In other words, the more time we devote to krsna conscious activities, the better it is. I think that games that deal with Krsna are more valuable than ordinary games since they help to remember Krsna.

    Porn videos are unfortunately more dangerous since they are more addictive as well.

    The mind will have the tendency to look for 'new' such desires, just like pouring ghee on fire increases it.

    These videos fall in the category of 'illcit sex' which is one of the 4 pillars of sin, that is, to be avoided

    with help of guru, krsna maha mantra and krsna conscious activities. It is mentioned that if you

    develop attachment for Krsna, think of him often, maya (illusion) starts to disappear slowly but surely.

    Hari Bol,

  • Hare Krishna

    Dandavat pranam


    Thank u for your replyies

    I pray to Krishna that i may follow the things told and stoping playing materialistic games and engage my senses in krisnaconcious games.

    Your Servant's servant Bunty

  • Hare krishna prabhu ji... I think there is no difference between them. You must know that watching such kind of videos is very dangerous. Similarly , playing video games /computer games is not good for health. It is more addictive. It is one of the weapon used by maya. It will push you deep under the ocean of illusion . You must think that this material world itself an illusion, But man has created another illusionary world in the name of software games ie; illusion within an illusion. O!.. This is definitely danger to the world. Stop it immedietly. Hare krishna....
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Prabhuji. Dhandavat pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

    /*I have heard that Playing video games or simply games are more dangerous than watching porn videos , is it correct*/

    Later is more dangerous than the former. Later activity forced a person to dwell in bodily conception of life which leads to lust for opposite sex and is the route cause of bondage in this material existence. A person who is too lusty become a prisoner of his senses.

    Playing games of any kind impose on ones mind the conception of lording over/ win win attitude inturn it leads to greed and anger.

    BG 16.21: There are three gates leading to this hell — lust, anger and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to the degradation of the soul.

    so both the mentioned activities is forbidden according to bhagvad gita and leads to hell. so we should avoid both strictly to progress in Krishna Consciousness.

    Your aspiring servant

    Hari Bol..


  • All are bad for spiritual life

    If you are addicted then we offer you an alternative:

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