
hare krishna ,

Why krishna has created 84 lacs type of different body. if your answer is that there is 84 lacs type of desire therefore he has created 84 lacs type of diff. body. so my question is that desire may be countless than why not countless body.


vishal sarda

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  • Volunteer

    it it not like that to each desire one body. It becomes like i like to swim i will be a fish without mouth to eat, ear to hear...no there are unlimited desires even in a single person like me. 

    Desire might be countless and their priority might be different: strong or weak and according to that we get suitable body. 

    Your servant, 

  • Volunteer

    Hare krsna vishal pr


    According to the Vedas, there are 8.4 million species of life and the conditioned soul is continuously passing through the different species according to his karma, under divine supervision. The Bhagavad Gita (2.22) says that just as one gives up an old shirt to put on a new one, the soul gives up an old body to acquire a new kind of a body (vasāmsi jirnāni yathā vihāya). Thus there are 8.4 million (84 lakh) types of bodies, out of which the soul assumes a body at the time of death.

    If one spends his lifetime in sense gratification, then one may become a cat or dog. If one is attached to eating meat, he gets the body of a tiger wherein he gets full facility for eating flesh without the encumbrance of cleaning and cooking the meat. If one’s stock of pious activities is high, then he gets elevated to the heavenly planets, where he gets the body of a demigod (devatā). However all the bodies within the ambit of the 8.4 milion species, including that of the demigods, are subject to birth and death. All such bodies have a limited period of life, after which one has to give it up to assume a new body. This process of giving up one type of body and assuming a new one is called death. It is pertinent to note that it is the body that dies and not the spirit soul, who is occupying the body.

    plss go through this .u will get ur ans..


    if i m wrong plss correct me.

    your servant 


    hari bol

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