
  • Hare Krsna Prabhu !

    Very nice quote from Sri Radhanath Swami Maharaj. Although the quote depends upon the time, place & circumstance where is it made i.e. in what context this quote was quoted by him.

    But on a broader perspective, words, actions and mind are interrelated i.e. the thoughts we have in mind, result into words being spoken or understood, resulting into corresponding action. So to achieve a higher goal we must concentrate our thoughts or mind to that particular goal to remain focussed.  Similarly here in our devotional life we have purify our mind by fixing it on a higher principle like becoming more Krsna consciousness in order to achieve the higher goal i.e. going back to Godhead.

    thank you.

    your servant

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Abhimanyu Prabhuji, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
    for example in order to go to US we have to buy a ticket which is costly than ticket to some near by countries (just an example).

    Another example is if we are giving exam to Harward University how we should speak, write our essays, what we have to wear, in which manner we have to speak....walk, act...according to our qualities and capabilities we will be accepted to the university or rejected. So Harward is "high" so in order to enter into that we also have to be high.

    In this way the highest goal of human life is to achieve love for Krishna - Supreme Person. Ideal Person. To have relationships with Him. And it is not something simple. 

    So we have to act, walk, eat, sleep, think ...accordingly.

    Your servant, 

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