purushottam month

Hari Bol.....while coming across the ekadasi, I came to know about the Purushottam Month, but I was not able to make it clear.Please help me in knowing this, when does it come, which month etc.Jai Sri Krishna.....

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  • Volunteer

    Purushottam month is also famously known as Adhika masa. There are 2 calender mainly viz. Lunar and Solar. The English calender is based on Solar. The vishnava calender is based on lunar. I also do not know the intricate details about how this is calculated but what happens is that there is some difference between the lunar and solar calender calculations and after every 32 months we get this adhika masa (extra month) on the lunar calender which is also known as purushottam month.


    hare krishna

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