Please Accept My Most Humble Obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, Srila Gurudeva, & Gaurangachandra.

Hare Krishna to ALL!

If we refer to Srila Prabhupada's purport of the 19th verse of the 2nd Chapter of Bhagavad Gita, Srila Prabhupada explains that Arjuna is not in the same category as us. 

Our Gurudev (Srila Prabhupada) taught us "mahimsyat sarva bhutani."

Never commit violence to anyone! Please take time and examine this text in the Bhagavad Gita AS IT IS. Srila Prabhupada is teaching us right.

Gauranga Hari Bol!

Your Servant,

Bhakta David


ya enam vetti hantaram 
yas cainam manyate hatam 
ubhau tau na vijanito 
nayam hanti na hanyate


yah--anyone; enam--this; vetti--knows; hantaram--the killer; yah--anyone; ca--also; enam--this; manyate--thinks; hatam--killed; ubhau--both of them; tau--they; na--never; vijanitah--in knowledge; na--never;ayam--this; hanti--kills; na--nor; hanyate--be killed.


He who thinks that the living entity is the slayer or that he is slain, does not understand. One who is in knowledge knows that the self slays not nor is slain.


When an embodied living entity is hurt by fatal weapons, it is to be known that the living entity within the body is not killed. The spirit soul is so small that it is impossible to kill him by any material weapon, as is evident from the previous verses. Nor is the living entity killable, because of his spiritual constitution. What is killed, or is supposed to be killed, is the body only. This, however, does not at all encourage killing of the body. The Vedic injunction is, "mahimsyat sarva bhutani," never commit violence to anyone. Nor does understanding that the living entity is not killed encourage animal slaughter. Killing the body of anyone without authority is abominable and is punishable by the law of the state as well as by the law of the Lord. Arjuna, however, is being engaged in killing for the principle of religion, and not whimsically.

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  • Hari Bol!

    Why even care David prabhu? It is not a waste to work with ignorant who are open to listen, but it is waste to work on ignorants who cannot listen or understand.


    • Hare Krishna!

      Sharanagat Prabhuji, you are correct. 

      I don't know how to get across to those ignorant people, nor will I ever. 

      But I had to point this purport out, because Srila Prabhupada would never influence anyone to do any harm to another. It's just simply "Un-Vaisnava." 

      • Prabhu jee, you are wonderful devotee. But you do not have to.

        Just being merciful and doing task right is what is needed.

        Personally, when I speak it out, somewhere I miss it. (ego comes into play and I step away).


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