Practical realization that we are not our mind ?

Hare Krishna ! All glories to Shrila Prabhupada !

In bhakti yoga the first practical realization we get is that we are not our thoughts or mind. Can someone please explain this in detail ? I know the process of gyan yoga. In gyan yoga they witness their thoughts by not being pulled into it. Thus they allow their thoughts to pass without getting pulled into it and they realize that they are not their thoughts. However I would like to understand this process of bhakti yoga in detail.



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    Hare Krishna Mihir Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
    Soul also has mind, intelligence, thoughts, desires...

    Only thing is we should remove false ego and have our own true ego.

    If with our mind we think of Krishna and about serving Him then it is soul's mind spiritual mind.

    So we are not mind but soul has mind we are soul and mind is our thinking function.

    Your servant,  

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