
  • Hare Krishna Mataji


    You can read the Vaisnva Etiquette on IDT:

    paste the above ^^ link in your browser or click here

    In your service,

    • Volunteer

      Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

      Dear  Priya Kamboj Mataji, 

      Start with simple things like clothes, hair style...

      For example if You are in India then it would be very modest if You wear Sari and if needed to cover Your head while You are in the association of men.

      Girl's hair should not be loose if she wants peace on mind from unneeded  desires.

      Soft speaking, shyness, tolerance, humility, chastity ...are those qualities which make a girl a real Vedic girl.

      There so many things should be spoken. But if You are really interested in this subject which is honorable please find time to listen the next lectures also along with reading the Vaishnava etiquette book which Nitai Prabhu linked.


      Also especially for Ladies:



      Your servant, 

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