Planets and bodies

Hare Krishna,

                  In the Fifth chapter of Shrimad Bhagvatam very elaborate description of the various hellish planets and sins by which one can approach them is given . Different bodily punishment for different sins are described. As everyone leaves material body in this material world what kind of body one gets while entering hellish or heavently planet??means is this wholly subtle body or gross body for suitable environment?As in hell there is very extreme pain is given to  the body and  if body is material it can't tolerate such pain  years after year.This material body we have can't be subjected to extreme pain and extreme happiness as tendency of soul to come out.I heard everything is subtle in the Hellish and Heavently planets where in Vaikuntha everything is Spiritual and in material everything is material. Please solve my doubt.


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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Also when we go for example to the Sun then we get body made of mostly fire. When to Brahmaloka then body made of intelligence....

    When we go to Spiritual world Krishna gives us spiritual body.

    Your servant, 

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna parabhuji!!! We get bodies according to the planets we enter. Though we enter into hell with our subtle bodies, the bodies are so made that we can feel the extreme pain of the punishment meted out to us. In our gross body, there is a subtle body and within the subtle body is the soul. As we got to hell, the subtle body is not vanished so the perception of the pain is there. While in Vaikuntha, even the subtle bodies fall off and only the eternally blissful soul exists!!!

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