pl clarify my doubt

I M aware that KRSNA is the source of everything..but pl tel me is RAMA,PURSURAMA,VAMANADEV,BUDDHA is expansion of KRSNA or VISNU.,,please also share that in detail basically how is the expansion taking place

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  • Hare krishna to all,
    Hridayanand Das prabhu ji,could you or any body else ,please explain me about krishna's expansions like Sankarshan, Mahavishnu,Garbhodakashayi Vishnu,Karanodakshayi Vishnu, KshirodakaShayi Vishnu and about kinds of avatars krishna takes....please elaborate it.
    your servant
    Ashish Sharma
    • My dear Prabhu,
      Hare Krishna!

      I really would appreciate if you yourself read about them in Srimad Bhagvatam 1st Canto and 5th Canto. You may see that in . And by the way, Prabhuji, I don't think you really don't know about Krishna and His expansions because you know all about his forms not mentioned above! 
      Hare Krishna :D 

  • Haribol !

    I am glad to hear such a beautiful Question. Well, if you read the Srimad Bhagvatam, you'll have all the answers in the First Canto itself. You'll find that at .

    But for the sake, I must clear it out to you. As you know, " Krishna bhagvan swayam " (Bhag) and " Isvaro Param Krishna " (Brahma Samhita 5.1). That feature of Lord is said by impersonalists as Caitanya or Brahma. So it's clear, Krishna is supreme creator.
    Vishnu is Krishna-tattava (Direct expansion of Krishna) and Shiva is Shiva-tattva( Partial expansion of Krishna) and Brahma is Jiva-tattva ( Marginal Expansion of Krishna) as it is confirmed in Bhag. 1.2. 23.
    Krishna is supreme personality, and all Rama, Buddha and Parsurama are Krishna-tattva. They are expansion of Him, but are not as complete as He is.
    First of all there was Purusa, Krishna. He created Maha-Vishnu. Then came Garbodakshayi Vishnu. Maha-Vishnu created thousand of Universes and Garbodakshayi Vishnu enters every planet. And then Brahma comes, and all expansions happen.
    If you question is "How expansion takes place", then it is Krishna's internal potency called mayaa through which he does it. Only a great devotee of Lord can know it. One who have seen Krishna and realized him through Yoga (For he is Yogeswara) can teach you the science of Expansion. But ultimatley, it's His power. As he created the World, so can he expand Himself. There is nothing so surprising about that.

    Hope I helped you,
    Jai Shri Krishna!! :)
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