Past Life Karma

Hare Krishna Prabhuji / Mataji,

Dandavat Pranam

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

There is this neighbour asks for her daily needs from my parents everyday from Coconut to Incense Sticks. We have accepted that this must be something from past life karma that she asks from our house only.

But this is happening daily, and now my parents are frustated with this behaviour, neither they say her no neither she stops coming to us.

How can we say no to her without hurting her?



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  • E-Counselor

     Hare KRsna Mataji,


    To such a neighbour, maybe you can do or your parents can do - one day when she comes, make her sit and make a list of everything that she needs. Tell her we will go shopping and you can buy whatever you want. Make her pay the bill. She should get the message. 

    Another way is - daily morning, for a week, go to her house asking for something or the other. This is not advisable though. She may take this as validation for her actions and may snowball in future.

    It is a habit with some people, to keep borrowing from neighbours and never returning. You make them reciprocate, they will run away. 


    Your servant,

    Radha Rasamayi DD


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