Parikshit Maharaj a pure devotee

Hare krishna

dandavat pranams

We all know that Maharaj Parishit was a pure devotee of the lord. Also we know that he was cursed in the forest when he was returning from hunting.  My question is how come a pure devotee of the lord can to hunting by which killing many innocent animals. 

My understanding on SB on this regard is very little .Please some one clear my mind , this question is my mind for sometime.

hare krishna

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  • Hare Krsna Ramachandran prabhuji,

    dandwat pranam _/\_

    Prabhuji, no doubt Maharaj Parikshit is a greatest of devotees i.e. Mahabhagwat. But being kshatriya his one of the occupational duty is to fight. So it is one of the practice for them to hunt in the jungle. He didn't hunt for any sense gratification but it is a duty of kshatriya to learn martial art and different tactics, so it is allowed in Vedic scriptures to hunt , but it is done limited.

    your servant

    Ashish Sharma

    • Hare Krishna

      Dandavat Pranams

      Many thanks for your kind help to clarify my doubt

      your servant

      rameswar kanai das

  • Hare Krishna Prabhuji

    Srila prabhupada explains this one of his lecture, below is the transcript.

    Now the history of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is like this, that Parīkṣit Mahārāja was a great king, emperor of the world, very pious devotee, all qualified. So sometimes he went to the forest for hunting. The hunting is allowed to the kṣatriyas, kings, royal kings. Why? Because a king has to look after administration of the society; therefore sometimes he has to order to kill some men, "Hang this man." Or sometimes he will take the sword in his own hand and kill the culprit, criminal, immediately. So therefore the killing practice was allowed to the kṣatriyas, royal family. Therefore sometimes the king would go into the forest and kill some animals to practice. Just like in the medical laboratory, physiological laboratory, some animals are tested to see the physiological condition of the body, similarly, always these experiments are made on the animals. So Mahārāja Parīkṣit went to the forest for hunting.

    Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures : Canto 1: Lectures : SB 1.4: Lectures : Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.4.25

    Your servant

    • Hare Krishna

      Dandavat Pranams

      Many thanks for your kind help to clarify my doubt

      your servant

      rameswar kanai das

    • Hare Krishna

      Dandavat Pranams

      Many thanks for your kind help to clarify my doubt

      your servant

      rameswar kanai das

    • Parīkṣit was in hunting. One after another, so many things comes, but let me explain to you. This hunting business was allowed only for the kings, kṣatriyas, not for ordinary man. Killing in sports. Because the king had to administer so strongly that sometimes he had to kill an evil person immediately with sword. The kingdom was very strong. Not many days before, say, about hundred years ago in Kashmir, if a thief was caught, burglar was caught, and he was proved that he has committed theft, the king would personally cut off, chop off his hand. The punishment was so severe. And the result was that even you miss something on your way, nobody will touch it. Everyone was afraid: "Let the things remain there. One who has lost his thing, he will come and take away. We don't require to take it." So the kings were very severe to punish unwanted social elements. So the kings were therefore allowed sometimes to hunt in the jungle to practice killing. Just like doctors are allowed to practice surgical operation on dead body; otherwise, how they'll practice, how they'll become surgeon, if they do not practice? Similarly, only the kings were allowed to kill some animal in the jungle sometimes.

      Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures : Canto 2: Lectures : SB 2.3: Lectures : Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.3.17

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