Overthinking and anxiety

Hare Krishna,

I am a 22 year old girl I can't say I am a devotee because I do not consider myself on that level. I am an overthinker and I am overthinking everything since I was old enough to think say 8 years, I think about every other topic and this overthinking leads to anxiety and fear, Lately I am thinking about my career my main goal is to do something in my hometown while living with my family, I have two options either a job or being a professor. Now doing phd and becoming a professor is my dream but my mind constantly plays negative thoughts as what if I won't clear the phd entrance? What if I can't be a professor? What if I can't get a job in my city and I have to go live somewhere far away from my family?

I am tired of these thoughts and negativity I want a permanent solution to my overthinking and anxiety I do chant 2 rounds of mahamantri daily but my mind is still restless.

Please help me and suggest me what should I do.

Hare Krishna.

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  • Practice mindfulness and meditation: Mindfulness techniques can help you stay present and reduce the tendency to obsess over future "what-ifs." Try to set aside time each day for meditation or simply focusing on your breathing when you feel the anxiety building.

    Edited by geometry dash subzero 1 day ago

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  • E-Counselor

     Hare Krsna Mataji,


    Maybe you need to focus more on doing thna on thinking. You may be having a lot of time on hand, thats why you keep thinking and over thinking. If you occupy yourself to do things practically, then this problem can be mitigated to an extent.

    Do some physical exercises. This way you will spend some energy and will result in better blood circulation. More blood to the brain means you will feel better/ happier. 

    Chant mahamantra daily - min 4 rounds. We have not chanted in so many lifetimes. Therefore atleast we should start with 4 rounds daily. 

    Read Bhagavad Gita As It Is - this along with chanting is the best antidote to your problem.


    Your servant,

    Radha Rasamayi DD

  • Overthinking and anxiety should be focused on Sri Krisna. Pray to Him that you can always think of Him and never forget Him.

    Hari Hari
    ys J.

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