
        • Thanks Radha Prabhu Ji. when the surrender is complete ('sarva dhaRmAn BG 18 / 66) the jiiva loses his identity like the rivers lose once in ocean and there is, was and will be only BhagavAn ? 

          • E-Counselor

            Hare Krsna PRabhuji,


            The lord Himself mentions in Chapter 4 that there was never a time when I didnt exist, or you didnt exist and there will never be a time when you or I wont exist..... this means that jiva will always have its individual identity. This means that the concept of rivers meeting the ocean is not the right example for this.

            In complete surrender, the jiva renders loving devotional service to the lord. That gives immense pleasure to both the jiva and the lord.


            Your servant,

            Radha Rasamayi DD

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