Offering Supermarket Foods


I have a question regarding offering foods to Krishna.

Say I go to a supermarket and buy a loaf of bread and some jam. Would I be able to offer  Jam on bread to Krishna or would I need to have made the jam and bread myself?

This goes also if I was buying store bought condiments like mustard and ketchup (onion and garlic free). Are they offerable to Krishna on a meal?

Thanks ahead, Hare Krishna

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  • E-Counselor

    Hare KRsna Prabhuji,


    To add to what Bhaktin Maral mataji rightly pointed out, what I know is that if somehow you could put the bread through fire, ie. heat/ toast it and then apply jam, it would be offerable. I had heard in a lecture that if one buys half cooked food/ bread and somehow puts that thing through fire, then it becomes something you have cooked and therefore offerable to the deity.

    Regarding jam and sauce, just offer it - you cannot heat either.


    YOur servant,


  • Volunteer

    yes You can offer them to Krishna Prabhu.

    But not to the Deities in the Temple. Their standard is high. 

    For example here at Radha Gopinath Temple, food is cooked only by brahmana initiated Devotees and only in pure ghee.

    So standards are different.

    Your servant, 

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