
Of What Use is Impersonal Liberation?

Hare krsna

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada


A compilation from various authors

nandanandana-kaisora lilamrta-mahambudhau

nimagnanam kim asmakam nirvana-lavanambhasa

We have now plunged into the great nectar-ocean of the transcendental youthful pastimes of Maharaja Nanda's son, Krishna. Of what use to us is the saltwater of impersonal liberation? (Sri Yadavendra Puri, quoted in Padyavali, 42)


bhavantu tatra janmani yatra te murali-kalah

karna-peyatvam ayati kim me nirvana-vartaya

O Lord, I pray that I may take birth again and again in a place where my ears may drink the sweet music of your flute. What is the use of talking to me about impersonal liberation? (Sri Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya, quoted in Padyavali, 92)


jnanavalambakah kecit kecit karmavalambakah

vayam tu hari-dasanam pada-tranavalambakah

Some are inclined to carry the load of speculative knowledge and others are inclined to carry the loads of fruitive work. We, however, are inclined to carry on our heads the slippers that decorate the lotus feet of Lord Hari's servants. (Unknown author, quoted in Padyavali, 58)


na vayam kavayo na tarkika

na ca vedanta-nitanta-paragah

na ca vadi-nivarakah param


We are not poets. We are not logicians. We are not philosophers who have crossed to the farther shore of Vedanta. We are not eloquent debaters. We are the servants of a rascal cowherd boy. (Sri Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya, quoted in Padyavali, 72)


advaita-vithi-pathikair upqasyah


sathena kenapi vayam hathena

dasi-krta gopa-vadhu-vitena

Commuters on the path of impersonal liberation worshipped us, as we were situated comfortably on the throne of one who is called atmarama, a person who takes delight only in the self. Yet some rascal lover of the gopis forcibly turned us into his maidservants. (Sri Bilvamangala Thakura, quoted in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 3.1.44)


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  • Volunteer

    Mahapurusha Prabhu, i am also one of unintelligent living entities so what is the problem? It was because of ignorance and it is a great offense to criticize a Devotee because of his previous deeds. :(

    On behalf of Mahapurusha Prabhu i beg forgiveness Zola Preetam Prabhu. You could reply with anger but You did not do so, it shows Your humility which comes only because of devotional service to Krishna.

    Your servant,  

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Devotees. Dandavat Pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

    Absolute truth is realized in three phases of understanding by the knower of the absolute truth, and all of them are identical. Such phases of Absolute truth are expressed as Brahman, Paramatma and bhagavan. As stated in SB 1.2.11

    vadanti tat tattva-vidas tattvaḿ yaj jñānam advayam

    brahmeti paramātmeti bhagavān iti śabdyate

    Impersonal understanding of Absolute truth is one of the aspect of realization, so impersonal liberation is also one kind of liberation which is called Sayujya Mukti (merging into the Brahman efflugence of Lord Krishna). But the realization of impersonal Brahman is the realization of two aspect of the nature of  brahman , i.e. Sat-eternal and Chit- consciousness . They don't realize the Ananada or blissful aspect of brahman. so thier realization inturn mukti is partial. In impersonal brahman realization one attain total peace but not joyfullness. They realize the "Vigyana -Maya" platform not the "Ananda-maya" platform . Because they realize they are soul (Aham Bramhasmi) and identify with the total brahman existence (Tat Tvam Asi or I am That) .In that stage only pure consciousness exists , not any object which the soul can be conscious of, but as by nature a soul is "Ananda-Maya-Abhsyat"  or Pleasure seeking, He can't remain there for very long, so sometimes the impersonalists then eager to focus on the "Ananda or Blissful" aspect of the absolute truth, and thus they become devotee.

    It proves 4 things.

    1. Impersonal realization is partial realization of Supreme.

    2. There is No ananda or joyfullness exists in mere merging in brahman. Only peace exists. Om Shanti Shantih!

    3. Personal Nature of Absolute realization is higher than impersonal realization.

    4. Bhakta is greater than Jyanis interm of knowing the conclusion of Vedanta.

    So the above lessons clears why great souls like Sukadeva Goswami, 4 Kumaras were later became inclined to Narayana though they were Jivan mukta . So we should not Blaspheme impersonalists rather we should defeat their philosophy with sound logic and evidence. And try to make them devotee.

    Devotee > Astanga-Yogis > Impersonalists > Voidists > Karmis

    Hope this will help

    Your aspiring Servant

    Hari BOl

  • Volunteer

    Hare krsna to all devotees

    thanks to all devotees for such a wonder full info..

    your servant

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Devotees. Dandavat Pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

    Lack of surrendering attitude leads a person to the conception of impersonal liberation. Because in the hirerchy of subtle elements i.e. mind,intelligence,false ego , false ego is the last thing is to go. Due to not complete removal of false ego, a person is unable to surrender to anyone superior. That is the main reason. "Jatha mati tatha ruchi" a person choose path according to his propensity. So not everyone are going to surrender to Krishna, because its not so easy. Claiming "Aham Bramhasmi (I am Brahman) "  is easy , but doing activity on that platform is not easy for all, because false ego hurts ..:)

    Thats why we find impersonalists are more engage in human welfare activity, because there they don't have to surrender to any one, rather their ego further puffed up when people praise them and ths leads to think themselves as God.

    All other non-sense philosophy came in existence apart from Vaishnavism, for one reason false ego and false ego leads to envy. Only envious people who envy God not surrender to God and creates some bogus philosophy, which has no support of Vedanta. There wrong interpretation of Vedanta doesn't make them intelligent , its a false notion. A devotee knows Vedanta better because by studying Vedanta One come to conclusion that the goal of soul is to surrender to Supreme Lord. 

    your aspiring servant

    Hari Bol

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