
  • Association can make us convince anything. RNS
  • Faith comes by hearing Krsna Katha in the association of sincere devotees regularly. RNS
  • Sankirtana gives you the highest commission in the eyes of Krishna. You can engage in variety of services. But the service which gives you the highest return is book distribution. (Lord Caitanya’s visit to South India). GKG
  • Our advancement is not because of our endeavor but Krsna's mercy, which is withdrawn when He sees Pride within us.
  • The more we feed the laziness of our mind, the more it becomes strong. RNS
    • HARIBOL.This quote is really frm past few days i was serving my mind.
  • When you distribute these books you give Prabhupada and the great acaryas an opportunity to preach to the conditioned souls. GKG
  • We must meditate on how we can distribute for the sake of bringing happiness to others. If you are determined to distribute books, then Krishna who resides in everyone’s heart will make you His instrument in doing so
  • It may be difficult to be strict in Krsna Consciousness, but it’s easier to practice Krsna Consciousness of strict. It is easy to be lazy but Krsna Consciousness will be difficult. RNS
  • The knowledge in these books is for the next ten thousand years and the purpose of this book distribution is to take people from ignorance to enlightenment. This is the greatest service one can do towards humanity. (Srimad Bhagvatam 4.31.19)
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