
  • Volunteer

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  • Volunteer

    Gaudiys vishnavas celebrate New year on the appearance day of Sri Chaitnya Mahaprabhu which is Gaur Poornima which usually comes in the month of April. Traditionally in India, different religion people celebrate the new year on different time in the year. In south, many celebrate it on Chandramana yugadhi while some celebrate it on suramana yugadhi. Some people in North celebrate it during Deepawali. Jan 1 new year celebration is something based on English calendar and is not really important for devotees. However, since we are in the society surrounded by MOSTLY by such people, we can not completely avoid it. Many temples organize programs on dec 31 nights with events like kirtan, quiz, bajan, feast prasadam, games and most importantly dancing!!! For a devotee every day should be like a new year a new beginning for progressing in his spiritual life.

    hari bol!!!!

  • hare krishna pamho prabhu there is a great difference between a day and a year a day consist of 24hrs but a year consists of 365/366days :-) the purpose of celebratin a new year is that we have to forgot our bad karma done in previous year and from and we have to do some practise to change our self in this year by giving more time to......................................pada sevam2538415092?profile=original

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