New channel brings fresh Yamuna water to Keshi Ghat

Workers engaged by sponsors to widen the channel.

Vrindavan, 2011.12.08 (VT): Workers engaged by Keshi Ghat residents Chandi Heffner and K.P.S. Gill, along with individual volunteers and devotees from Vrinda Kunj have been digging a channel connecting the main flow of the Yamuna to Keshi Ghat so that some comparatively fresh water can flow past it.

K.P.S. Gill said, “We have sent three petitions signed by over a hundred people each to the DM asking him to do something about the sewage in front of Keshi Ghat. Because the administration does not seem interested in doing anything, we took matters into our own hands and decided to do our own work to bring the Yamunaji back to the ghats.”


New improved sewage system means even more filth flows into the Yamuna. The water coming from this drain is the only water flowing by Keshi Ghat in the dry season.

Bhakti Aloka Paramadwaiti Maharaj said, “It is unconscionable that even after all the money that has been invested in making improvements in the Vrindavan Project, the end result is that the Yamuna River is becoming even more polluted. A network of gutters and drains has been created that dumps all the town’s dirty water and sewage into the Yamuna. Now only black water flows past Keshi Ghat. How much longer can this go on?”

For the last two weeks, two groups of over thirty men each have been busily digging. One of the groups worked in the vicinity of Madan Mohan where the nali from Koshi comes, and the second group in front of Cheer Ghat. The canal is now around 1.5 meters deep.

Parth Sarthi, speaking on behalf of the BVHA, called on all lovers of the Vrindavan to come on Sunday morning from 8 a.m. to the site of the digging and symbolically participate in the action of bringing the original flow of the Yamuna back to Keshi Ghat.

Workers widening the channel.

Chandi Heffner and K.P.S. Gill have both been actively engaged in the Save Yamuna movement for the past several years. “The importance of Keshi Ghat to Vrindavan is inestimable,” says Ms. Heffner. “The flyover which was being built would have resulted in the diversion of the Yamuna water away from Vrindavan entirely. This is the only place where Yamuna Devi still makes contact with the town and ghats. As it is, the pillars that remain are still resting on raised ground and blocking the flow of the water towards Keshi Ghat. This situation is untenable for the future of Vrindavan.”

K.P.S. Gill, Chandi Heffner, B.A. Paramadwaiti and Parth Sarthi discussing the work by Cheer Ghat..

Workers were enthusiastic in their seva and by yesterday afternoon real Yamuna water started to pour from the canal into the area before Cheer Ghat.

Also sponsoring the work are the Vrinda Mission, which will be paying workers for the next twenty days. Several business people from Loi Bazaar have also agreed to support the effort by paying workers for five days.

A number of Bengali community leaders including Pujyapad Sadhu Maharaj, acharya of the Imlitala Gaudiya Math, also came to show their support for the effort and promised to bring a number of women and men to take sand out.

Sadhu Maharaj participating in the seva.

“Everybody can join this beautiful seva for Vrindavan by paying workers (Rs 200 per day) or by sending their own volunteers,” said Paramadwaiti Maharaj. “This is our opportunity to help make revolutionary change in Vrindavan for our Yamunaji.”

Chandi Heffner is head of the medical charity, Project Balaram, headquartered at her Keshi Ghat residence.

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