Need a strong reply to this stupid post..

Hare Krishna all,

Paying my humble obeisances to all vaishnavas,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I came across this stupid post while browing the internet. Because of lack of proper knowledge couldn't post reply. this was in yahoo answers, post goes like this

" For the simple reason that the Vaishnavs did not exist during the Vedic Period. These tales from the Vaishnav Puranas are a mimicry of the Parables of the Bible, written by historically very recent Vaishnavs in the post St. Thomas period when their Vaishnav Gurus borrowed very heavily from the Bible and created many things, falsely ascribed to the Vedas, and added in their own tales there. You can see this clearly in the Manu and Shataroopa who are the Indian Adam and Eve and in the creation of Swarga and Naraka, the Indian Heaven and Hell and the Yama, the Indian Grim Reaper etc. The Santhana Dharma of the Vedas had no God, no Heaven nor Hell. It only had the Atman [Soul] that all beings possess and the Collective Universal Consciousness - the Parama Atman. The first thing that you need to know is that the Vedas were Books of Knowledge where Philosophy was just one of the subjects dealt with there. According to Vyasa's own preamble, the Vedas were a Science which were lost to Mankind for thousands of years after a Catastrophe [perhaps a World War] wiped out the 7 Civilizations and which he recovered only scraps of after an extensive search which he pieced together to compile the 4 Vedas we now know. In the post Upanishad period, the Scholars [Upasakas] created the Hiranya Garbha for the common man to relate with since they couldn't relate with the Arman and Parama Atman Theory where they spoke of different Planes of Existence and highly advanced Physics and Mathematics needed to be used to understand the formulas given there. This amorphous golden object representing the Fetus standing upon a vagina shaped platform - the yoni peetha, was supposed to represent Birth as Creation and they gave them the 27 Trimurthis or the Hindu Trinities starting from Surya, the Indian Helios [borrowed from Greek Pantheon that had been assimilated into Hinduism after Alexander invaded India and brought that with him], Varuna, the Indian Poseidon and Bhoomi, the Indian Gaia that were meant to teach them the basic facts of Photo-synthesis, germination of the Seed and Botany. The last of the Trinities - Brahma, the embodiment of infancy and childhood, aka the Creator, Vishnu, the embodiment of adolescence to Adulthood, aka the Preserver and Shiva, the embodiment of old age and dotage, aka the Destroyer; which were meant to teach them that we are born, shall live and shall die and begin to teach the interaction between the Atman and the Parama Atman, became more popular and their figures replaced the Hiranya Garbha in the Garbha Gruha [Home of the Fetus] on the yoni peetha you see Hindus use to this very day. Again, the Vaishnavs gained ascendency and the Brahma adherents went extinct with the Shaivs becoming a very small Minority. The Vaishnavs made up their own lore by borrowing from the Greek Pantheon and from Christianity after the Greek invasion and St. Thomas, the Apostle of Christ, migrating to South India and preaching there to establish the Mar Thoma Church before he died and lies buried in the Bascilica San Thome in Chennai. The original Karma Theory which is a Theory of Cause of and Effect got turned into one where the accumulated good deeds take you to Swarga and the bad deeds to Naraka which is straight from Christian Lore. Hinduism is a confused mix up of a lot of foreign ideas assimilated by the Vaishnavs who pay only lip sympathy to the original Sanathana Dharma. "


Your Servant


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  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    To continue...

    It only had the Atman [Soul] that all beings possess and the Collective Universal Consciousness - the Parama Atman. The inquiry into the concept of soul is the beginning of the journey towards spirituality. The query - who am I? Why am I here? is the basis for the entire hindu philosophy. It is not the ultimate, it is the basic. How many religions are teaching us that we are not the body, we are the spirit soul residing in the body? I am not aware of any.

    The first thing that you need to know is that the Vedas were Books of Knowledge where Philosophy was just one of the subjects dealt with there. According to Vyasa's own preamble, the Vedas were a Science which were lost to Mankind for thousands of years after a Catastrophe [perhaps a World War] wiped out the 7 Civilizations and which he recovered only scraps of after an extensive search which he pieced together to compile the 4 Vedas we now know. THis is not what we know. This is factually incorrect. Vedas were called shrutis in earlier ages, because people did not need to write it down. It came down through generations via word of mouth. Our scriptures reveal that the lifespan of human beings was much more in other other 3 yugas. THe lord Himself declares that whenever this knowledge is lost, He comes down Himself to reestablish religion and to annhilate the miscreants. Vedas are the manual for living human life - like how any product comes with its own manual on how to operate it, that same way how to live human life and what is the purpose is mentioned in the vedas.

    In the post Upanishad period, the Scholars [Upasakas] created the Hiranya Garbha for the common man to relate with since they couldn't relate with the Arman and Parama Atman Theory where they spoke of different Planes of Existence and highly advanced Physics and Mathematics needed to be used to understand the formulas given there. Is that so? Then why is it that there are updated versions of theories of physics and maths and any other science, but there are no updated versions of Indian scriptures. They have stood the test of time and are relevant over the ages as the manual of human life. What you have written is nonsense - cant call it understanding at any level of our scriptures. Evident that the writer has not even read the scriptures he is trying to deride here.

    This amorphous golden object representing the Fetus standing upon a vagina shaped platform - the yoni peetha, was supposed to represent Birth as Creation and they gave them the 27 Trimurthis or the Hindu Trinities starting from Surya, the Indian Helios [borrowed from Greek Pantheon that had been assimilated into Hinduism after Alexander invaded India and brought that with him], Varuna, the Indian Poseidon and Bhoomi, the Indian Gaia that were meant to teach them the basic facts of Photo-synthesis, germination of the Seed and Botany. If Alexander is credited with bringing the concept of Surya to India, then how is it that Indian sages could calculate the distance between the sun and the earth with accuracy - which updated science vouches for now? Can Greek mythology give that information - I am not aware, though I have serious doubts. How could they do it - by meditating on the sun god for ages, by meditating on the moon god for ages. Is it that before Alexander came to India, Indians were not aware of sun and moon - there was no sunshine or moonshine in this part of the world? THe thought itself appears preposterous.

    The last of the Trinities - Brahma, the embodiment of infancy and childhood, aka the Creator, Vishnu, the embodiment of adolescence to Adulthood, aka the Preserver and Shiva, the embodiment of old age and dotage, aka the Destroyer; which were meant to teach them that we are born, shall live and shall die and begin to teach the interaction between the Atman and the Parama Atman, became more popular and their figures replaced the Hiranya Garbha in the Garbha Gruha [Home of the Fetus] on the yoni peetha you see Hindus use to this very day. Again, the Vaishnavs gained ascendency and the Brahma adherents went extinct with the Shaivs becoming a very small Minority. There is no truth in these statements. Scriptures reveal that Brahma is not worshipped due to a curse, that curse could be only for this kalpa. It is possible that in other kalpas, Brahma was also worshpped alongwith Shiva and Vishnu. Recorded time is tooo small for them to even comprehend what time scale vaishnavism talks about.

    The Vaishnavs made up their own lore by borrowing from the Greek Pantheon and from Christianity after the Greek invasion and St. Thomas, the Apostle of Christ, migrating to South India and preaching there to establish the Mar Thoma Church before he died and lies buried in the Bascilica San Thome in Chennai. The original Karma Theory which is a Theory of Cause of and Effect got turned into one where the accumulated good deeds take you to Swarga and the bad deeds to Naraka which is straight from Christian Lore. Hinduism is a confused mix up of a lot of foreign ideas assimilated by the Vaishnavs who pay only lip sympathy to the original Sanathana Dharma. " If anyone bothers to read just 2 of our vast scriptures, the Bhagavad Gita and the Srimad Bhagawatam, that will be enough to explain to the reader the vastness and depth of the knowledge that our scrptures have. Without reading, without understanding, it is very easy to insinuate. THis is in line with the imperialist mentality of undermining Indian culture to establish supremacy of the Raj which was successfully done for centuries and is being attempted even now. If Hinduism has borrowed from other religions, then how is it that Hindu scriptures are the most vast and most detailed.
    Does any other religious scripture measure time upto 1/3rd of a second, mention the stages of pregnancy, details of what happens for 9 months when the baby is in the tummy in details and then get it corroborated by modern updated science? Does any other religious scripture talk about the future in details the way the effects of kaliyuga are mentioned in Srimad Bhagawatam? I know the answers to all of these is NO. We are not blind followers of religion - there are enough scholars who have disregarded their great degrees and left their high posts to study and follow the hindu scriptures. Nobody is a fool to give up something valuable unless they get something more valuable in the bargain. Does any other religion talk of atma - the soul? That we are not the body- but the soul taht lives in the body. That each and every living being is living because of presence of soul. That not only human beings, even animals, aquatics and plants have life - that there are 6 signs of life, and that life is possible only due to the presence of the soul? When basics are not taught in any other religion, or is buried under the philosophy such that no other follower of another religion is even aware of the soul, then how can higher, more in depth knowledge be given. The user is not ready for the information.

    I am aware that there is no differnce in philosophy between Christianity and Hinduism. There is a reason for taht - it is widely believed that Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God, came to India, stayed in Benaras and Jagannath Puri, learnt sanatana dharma from there and returned to give the knowledge. He could preach for barely 3 years, when the barbaric people of taht era could not take his preachings and put him on the cross. What have they done with their religious leader - whom they profess to follow so fervently - they crucified him for basic information - Thou Shall Not Kill, Love God, Love Thy Neighbour... such basic information, given in bite sizes, were also not digested by them. They continue to kill animals to satisfy the palate and still call themselves devout christians!!!

    It is the depth of Hinduism that we accept all religions as paths leading to God, and thats why whether a Bahai, a Christian, a Parsi, a Muslim, Dalai lama - they all find place in India, to come and practise their religion in peace. Whatever little strife is seen is because of the influence of kali and that is also explained in our scriptures.

    You can refer to a lecture by HH Tamal Krishna Goswami Maharaj - do search on youtube. It appears on the first page, has 5 star rating. The set up is some auditorium in Fiji. It is very convincing.

    I have not been able to be very convincing, though I am very convinced about everything I have written.

    I hope you have become clear about our philosophy after reading this.


    Your servant,


  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    Why bother? If it is still important to you to answer this post, I will give what I know - I am unable to give references though.

    It is a chicken and egg story - whether vaishnavism came first or christianity. While I would not like to dwell on the subject of superiority of either religion, giving respect to all religions, because all are different paths towards God, based on level of understanding and evolving of the soul, I am just trying to put some facts on the table about Vaishnavism to set the record straight.

    For the simple reason that the Vaishnavs did not exist during the Vedic Period. Where is the evidence that vaishnavism did not exist during the vedic period? What is the definition of vedic period? Is it satya yuga, dwapar yuga or is it the English calendar - which century is called the vedic period and by which authority? As per our scriptures, time is divided into kalpas, each kalpa consisting of the 4 yugas - Satya (of goodness), Treta, Dwapar and Kali (which we are experiencing now). Put together, these yugas comprise one chaturyuga or kalpa - which is 43,20,000 years. 1000 such kalpas comprise 1 single day of Brahma. Each night of Brahma is equally long. Like this, there are 100 years of Brahma (his lifespan). There are scores of such Brahmas having universes of their own - could be 1000 headed Brahma, 2 headed Brahma or anything in between. The lifespan of all Brahmas is just one exhalation of Maha Vishnu. Wait a minute - Maha Vishnu is not the Supreme Personality - He has come from Krsna. No religion is giving such time frames and such details as our scriptures.

    These tales from the Vaishnav Puranas are a mimicry of the Parables of the Bible, written by historically very recent Vaishnavs in the post St. Thomas period when their Vaishnav Gurus borrowed very heavily from the Bible and created many things, falsely ascribed to the Vedas, and added in their own tales there. You can see this clearly in the Manu and Shataroopa who are the Indian Adam and Eve and in the creation of Swarga and Naraka, the Indian Heaven and Hell and the Yama, the Indian Grim Reaper etc. Do the Bible and holy scriptures of any other religion describe in such details the expansion of time and outer worlds (which I just explained above)? To continue from the earlier para, in one day of Brahma, there are 7 Manus. (like how each Government in India is for 5 years). Manu and Shatroopa is the reference to Swayambhu Manu, mentioned in the Srimad Bhagawatam. Right now, it is the rule of Vaivasvata Manu. Other religions talk of only one Adam and Eve, we have one Adam and Eve every 142.85 kalpas. This much detail is not there in any other scripture to my knowledge. Swarga and Naraka - heaven and hell are very simplisic philosophies in our scriptures. One casual reading of Bhagavad Gita will tell the reader that swarga or heaven is not even to be aspired for, it is in the material worlds. Man's aim is to aspire for the spiritual world, which is way above this heaven.

    The Santhana Dharma of the Vedas had no God, no Heaven nor Hell. It only had the Atman [Soul] that all beings possess and the Collective Universal Consciousness - the Parama Atman. Sanatana dharma is a philosophy explaining that there is a basic intrinsic characteristic of every material object. Without that intrinsic characteristic, that object cannot be imagined also. Like fire cannot be imagined without light and heat, that same way human life cannot be imagined wihtout attitude of service. Tell me any other religion which has the depth to explain the most simple and obvious facts to humankind.

    Mail is becoming toooo long. Balance I will give in next post.


    Your servant,


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