My Tulasi patta dilemma

Hare Krsna , 

I'm extremely confused regarding where tulasi patta should be offered . Please help me by replying to me.

My question is , 

Can tulasi be offered to the lotus feet of Goddess Laxmi ? I offered one tulasi patta to the lotus feet of Goddess Laxmi's vigraha . I immediately had a vision where Tulasi patta was sticking to the crown of Goddess Laxmi's forehead . I immediately asked sorry and got one more tulasi patta and offered that to the forehead of Goddess Laxmi.

Now I'm confused whether tulasi patta can be offered to the lotus feet of Goddess Radharani . Earlier I always used to offer tulasi patta to the divine couple Radha Govinda's lotus feet . Nobody said anything then . I thought Goddess tulasi , is the beloved sakhi and servant of Goddess Radharani. So I felt Goddess tulasi will be immensely pleased if tulasi is offered to the lotus feet of beloved sakhi Radharani and beloved sakha Lord Govinda . Now I'm all confused whether it's right . If not please tell me where to offer tulasi .

Can tulasi be offered to the lotus feet of Lord laxmana ? I know that tulasi is offered to the lotus feet of Lord Rama , Lord Nitai , Lord Balarama , Lord Govinda , Lord Narayana. But can it be offered to the lotus feet of lord Laxmana .

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  • Hare Krishna,

    Tulasi Patta should not be offered to Laxmi ji ( either to feet or to the head).  Radharani also Tulasi patta is not offered. Tulasi is wife of Sri Krishna. Offer Her only to the feet of Sri Krishna. She loves to be at the feet of Lord Sri Krishna.  Radharani's Sakhi is Tulasi. Radharani herselves places Tulasi to the feet of Lord. Because when anyone goes to Shree Radha... Shree Radha Immediately places them at the feet of Lord in service of Lord.

    Tulasi is not offered to anyother deity Except  Lord Rama, Lord Govinda. Lord Narayana and Lord Sri Krishna. as Tulasi ji is wife of Lord.

    Hare Krishna.

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