yesterday a devotee asked me a question on this topic. why in some holy places, "dhongi babas" call themselves GOD? why do they mislead people? isnt it wrong??? i thought over this question later that evening and had a realisation....

if we read the first 3 verses of the bramha samhita, we come to know that,

"Krsna who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no origin or beginning and He is the cause of all causes."


"i worship Lord Govinda, the primeval Lord, the first progenitor who is tending cows, yielding all desires, in abodes built with spiritual gems, surrounded by millions of wish fulfilling trees,always served with great reverence and affection by hundreds and thousands of lakshmis or gopis"


"i worship Lord Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is adept in playing on His flute, with blooming eyes like lotus petals, with head decked with a peacock feather, with a figure of beauty tinged with the hue of blue clouds, and His unique loveliness charming millions of Cupids."

from this Bramha Samhita, we can conclude that Bramha himself(creator of the universe) worships Lord Govinda. KRSNA IS BEAUTIFUL. He is the most sweetest. His glories, His pastimes and all His feature are at the topmost level. considering devotees, we immediately fall in love with His beauty in His deity form. we develop a strange attachment to Him, as if it existed somewhere in th heart, but you didnt know where. hearing His Holy Names induces tears of love in our eyes.we chant His names and remember Him at the times of trouble. just as a child would do when he has some fear and go to His parents for protection. we offer Him things He likes out of love and affection. with all His strength and beauty, He lives in a spiritual abode far away from the coverings of this material world. most of the fortunate and loving servants are in His service at His lotus feet...


seeing all this, why wouldn't a fool like to imitate Him?


About the "dhngi baba's" they are fools and rascals as Srila Prabhupad rightly said. they really dont have any work. they just like to imitate Krsna. they try to be wealthy and famous. they like to have women around them and run into bad habits. they want to be more beautiful and by doing some foolish magic show they try to leave people wondering how he did it. it is we who have to be careful about such people. there have been many cases where such people's secrets have been opened up. why should people follow their irrational magic shows? also one more point to be noted is that they are psychopaths. once they lose their fame and wealth, they go mad. Radhanath Maharaj narrated a story,"once a baba who was GOD as some people said was going to conduct a session. but fortunately he could not attend. when asked to his manager, a reply came that GOD had a toothache... " now ask yourself, can God have a TOOTHACHE? it just can be concluded that people are followin the right person to lead them to blindness. these baba's are just jealous of the Lord and His beauty. and just want to imitate Him. Krsna expanded Himself into 16108 forms to be with eachof His wife. can any baba do that??


nothing can be done to solve this problem. the only thing we can do on our part is to remain away from such people. when we know that Krsna is the Supreme and we are His children, there is no need to even think of something else.  we only need to love Him and surrender unto Him. 


please forgive me if there were any mistakes or any kind of wrong statements in the above realisation. please let me know my mistakes so that next time i'll not repeat it.


thank you,

your aspiring servant 



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  • hare krishna

    pamho mataji

    wonderful realisation

    thank u very much


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