My kanthi mala got broken in half

Hare Krishna dear devotees ,

Please accept my humble obeisance,


Today I don't know how but my kanthi mala just got broken and I am really confused about what should I do.

Can we stick kanthi mala.with something and wear it as I was wearing before .


I should go to the local temple and buy a new kanthi mala and If I buy the new kanthi mala then what should I do with the old kanthi mala if yes then what's the procedure for it 

(I don't have tulsi plant at my home as My family is not much devoted to Radheshyam ji and it's pretty hard for me as a new devotee to take care of tulsi maharani ) 

I am really sorry if I did any apradh in the messege please kindly forgive me dear devotees🙇

Hari bolll 

Jai prabhupad

Hare Krishna 🙏





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  • Hare Krishna dear devotees

    Plz accept my humble obbecience


    I asked an senior devotee who has been associated with iskcon for a long time and he said "it's normal that sometimes our kanthi mala breaks so don't worry and buy a new one from the local iskcon shop and the old kanthi mala should be given to the water ( if possible to the holy rivers like Ganga Yamuna ji ) "

    Hope this helps 

    Radhe radhe 🙏

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