
  • Volunteer

    one thing is let him continue to chant, read Srila Prabhupada's books, hear lectures and eat only Prasadam.

    we can not give up lower taste until we have higher so to say to leave sex for him it would be not proper at this time. 

    But in the reality to have sex i mean sinful sex became a habit it is not the urge but habit. 

    Because of so many ads of this age it became a habit. So it can be changed. Habit can be changed. 

    So if we continue to do devotional service bad habits will go aways replaced with good ones. 

    Mean time regulation is needed. Only with wife and some days in a month and that is with the intention and cry to leave it and give it up.

    Another thing is it says that is one has children that desire for sex will be reduced. 

    Your servant, 

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