Murti of Sri Gurudev before He leaves this body?

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances.All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, Sri Gurudev, and Sri Gaurang.Hare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare RamaRama Rama Hare Hare.I have seen murti's of Srila Prabhupada, but I don't believe these were installed when He was present here in this material world. So is it not good to make a sculpture of Sri Gurudev before leaving Hias body?I have heard a past time of Sripad Ramanujacarya, where He met His Murti image a few days before leaving His body. He said He would accept our service from this image. So does this mean it is alright? I am somewhat confused about this. Is it possible for Srila Gurudeva to be in more than 1 place at a time when He is here in this material world?Your inquisitive servant,Bhakta David

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    Picture is the same Murti Form. In this way it is all right to have Murti of our Gurdev.

    Your servant, 

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