missing mayapur a lotttttt.....

Hare Krishna.....I just came back from Mayapur and I want to go again....Well, I am planning to settle down in Mayapur in another 4 years..but, ya....I cant help missing mayapur. I cant concentrate on anything but just how to get back there...A taecher I am... I am loaded with so many tasks at school and so on but just cant help hoping to get back there. My husband says that we can go back only in November...long way to go.....

I am so demotivated and I don't seem to like anything here.....

It is quite childish but my heart is too stubborn to let go....

I prayed in each and every temple there.especially my favourite Rajapur Jaganath that I want to come back there in a month time....I cant take it if my desire is unfulfilled.....

Kindly advise me what to do.....

Jai Jagannath!!!

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    4 years and You will settle in Mayapur Dham if Krishna wills so why not to tolerate it?

    Of course it is difficult , i understand You much dear Mataji, but if there is promise that You will move there at a particular time then why not to be tolerant?!

    You are right 4 years is too long, maybe in between You can visit for Kirtan Melas and other Festivals no?!

    Another solution i know and do is CRY. 

    You got so much taste of the Holy Dham, then Krishna might be wanting You to share with that with others - in Your native place, no?! Why not to make them also happy?! Share about life in Mayapur with Malasian people and make them also feel yearning to see the Holy Dham.

    Srila Prabhupada was staying peacefully in Vrindavan Dham and practicing Krishna Consciousness but still for the welfare of US he left for US. 

    So Devotees are so compassionate that they are ready to suffer in hell but give love for Krishna to others. Give to them the Holy Names. Because people are greatly suffering. They need Bhagavad Gita. They need Hare Krishna Maha Mantra but they do not know how to find it.

    All they are searching for is happiness and that happiness is Bhakti Yoga.

    So Devotees live life as  a duty not waiting for their own happiness but using every moment for making Krishna and others happy. 

    WE GOT MANGO NOW LET'S SHARE IT WITH OTHERS! And if Krishna wills some day we will be in spiritual world and always be among Devotees.

    Your servant, 

    •  hare krishna mataji...it is so thoughtful of you and ya its right...To stay in mayapur is not an easy thing..its a grant...a boon..hope Jagannnath and Mahaprabhu will grant me the boon soon.....seriously...i even miss the rickshaw rides under the hot june sun.... miss the small dirt path to Rajapur temple....ganga ji.... and even the little stalls in hulor ghat.... magical..... I should not have come back here...i was expecting so I was worried as I didnt have anyone there to take care of  my baby...How stupid of me to think like that..... I regret a lot...but, ya.... i must use these four years to prepare myself and my family to settle down there without any problems...



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