In the Bhagavatam (3.9.7)—
daivena te hata-dhiyo bhavataḥ prasaṅgāt
sarvāśubhopaśamanād vimukhendriyā
ye kurvanti kāma-sukha-leśa-lavāya dīnā
lobhābhibhūta-manaso’kuśalāni śaśvat
Translation: O my Lord, the ears of those whose intelligence has been ruined by misfortune are uninterested in hearing about You, even though doing so could destroy all the inauspiciousness in their lives. As a result, these wretched creatures are overwhelmed with lust and greed and constantly engage in deleterious activities for the sake of nothing more than the insignificant and fleeting pleasures of the senses.
tomāra prasaṅga sarva aśubha karaye kharva
Translation: To hear or speak of You, O Lord, destroys all inauspiciousness. But so unfortunate am I that my mind in its lust seeks only the fleeting pleasures of the senses, for which it readily makes great efforts. As such, it makes no attempt to hear or chant about You. (Bhajan Rahasya)