
Manu or Adam?

Hare Krishna and dandavat pranam to all prabhujis and matajis!! In Srimad Bhagavatam it is mentioned, the first man was Manu and the first woman was Satrupa, while in Bible its Adam and Eve. Which one of the above statements should we condiser??

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    Hare Krishna to all of you and thankx a lot for your replies!!! Manu should be the first of men, beacuse as Sudipta prabhu has rightly pointed out that the word 'manushya' or'manav' has come from Manu and its from the same name that we get the word 'man'. And since the Vedas say this, there is no way we can refute it since the Vedas imparts Absolute knowledge.

  • adam can be a name of manu like in '' the sense of self realisation '' sp had said that krishna and christ both name are same please clear my doubt

    • no .there is no question of similarity of Manu maharaj and Adam. Manu Maharaj is a Mahabhagwat i.e. great Vaishnava. But there is no such character of Adam.

      Non-Vedic literature's are just based on mental speculation.So they cannot be accepted as fact.Only Vedic scriptures are factual.

      We must avoid such mental speculations and believe only on knowledge given by Srila Prabhupada.

      your servant

      Ashish Sharma

    • Volunteer

      Manu didn't wander with Eve in apple  garden.........................:) read Manu Samhita to know about Manu how strict he was.....................

  • Volunteer

    Thnkx a lot Sudipta prabhu for your kind  and perfect answer!! No, I hv no doubts anymore!!! Hare Krishna!!

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Prabhuji.Dhandavat Pranam.All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

    Manu without any doubt, because Vedas are eternal and far far before than advent of christ, even Jesus came 2500 yrs after Lord Buddha. And also the term "MAN" / "MANUSYA" came from Manu. So Manu is the father of mankind without a second thought beacuse Vedas are the higher authority. Not only that Lord Kirshna himself confirming that in BG.

    BG 4.1: The Personality of Godhead, Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, said: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvān, and Vivasvān instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Ikṣvāku.

    Is there any doubt remain after this?

    your aspiring servant

    Hari Bol

    • Mr.Sudipta , Perhaps you didn't read the question properly that Sourav Saha asked .

      He asked about Adam & Eve AND Manu & Satrupa . Not about Jesus .

      What has Jesus got to do with this ?!!

      The Book of Genesis , didn't start with the birth of Jesus , it started with How God created the earth and the universe out of total darkness and How God created the first man & woman on earth.

      . . .

      God created Adam from the dust of earth and then took a rib out of Adam's chest and with that Rib God created Eve. This is mentioned in the Book of Genesis , which is a part of the Bible.

      and all these things that are mentioned in the Book of Genesis , were the first thing to ever happen , that's how everything started . And it was all before Jesus or Krishna or Buddha were born.

      Im not saying we should disregard our Vedas or Puranas . We all know they are one heck of a treasure of knowledge . . . But i don't see any point of dragging Jesus into this conversation . Jesus has nothing to do with the first man or woman of Earth .

      The first man or woman , no matter in whichever name you call them , whether you call him Adam & Eve , or you call him Manu or Satrupa , were all created by God long before Jesus or Krishna were born.

      I hope you understand what im trying to say.


      Before i wrap up this conversation , i would like to say here , that Manu means Manasya meaning Man , and  is also taken as a rank or post , since there have been numerous Manu's over the yugas.

      * Each four yugas (Satya , Dwapara , Treta , Kali) makes up one Maha-Yuga also known as Chatur-Yuga.

      * 1000 Maha-Yugas makes One Day (One Kalpa) of Brahma ... Another 1000 Maha-Yugas makes One Night of Brahma , which is another Kalpa . During the Day of Brahma , life exists in the universe and during the Night of Brahma , life stops to exist over the universe and again darkness takes over.

      * Now forget about 1000 Maha-Yugas .Take only 71 Maha-Yugas . Yup that's right . 71 Maha-Yugas makes up One Manvatara . And One Manvatara is the life duration of each manu .

      * The end of each Manvatara , is followed by a period called "Samdhi Kala" whose duration is the same as that of Satya Yuga (1,728,000 human years) . And during the period of Samdhi Kala , the entire Earth remains submerged in water . Remember Noah's Ark incident or the story of Vishnu's Matsya avatara where the whole earth was flooded by God and was submerged in water.


      So,  after each Manvatara (71 Maha-Yugas) , there is a "samdhi-kala" , after that , a new Manvatara starts , and a new Manu is appointed for that particular Manvatara. and from that New Manu , life multiplies and spreads out over the face of the earth.

      So, that's it i guess . Peace and Hare Krishna .

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