Lord Krishna Shot in Heel?

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, Sri Guru & Gauranga.

Hare Krishna

I have read that Lord Krishna was shot in the heel by a hunter who was Bali in his past life.

Why did Lord Krishna play this lila? 

Sri Krishna cannot die, so why would He allow the Mayavadi's to think He dies like how every other living entity dies?

Please forgive me for asking this question. It was continuing to bother my mind. 

Gauranga Hari Bol

Your Fallen Servant,

Bhakta David

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  • Volunteer

    beg forgiveness, one mistake above. i heard that in the lecture http://audio.iskcondesiretree.info/index.php?q=f&f=%2F02_-_ISKC...

    talks between saintly sannyasi and saintly Babaji.

    Your servant, 

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    yes, Nama Priya Mataji gave very nice explanation. just few days back i read about it in Srimad Bhagavatam 7th Canto where Yudhishtra Maharaja asks the same question from Narada Muni. It is in the beginning of 7th Canto You can refer to that also David Prabhuji.

    Your servant, 

  • Hare Krishna Prabhuji,

    The lord in his Rama Avatar lila shot Bali from a hiding and not openly. To protect the dharma and given the transcendental nature of the lord, this is fair, but to give Bali a fair chance(and not let any grievances develop against the lord), the lord got shot by Bali's arrow in Krishna Avatar. This answers your first question.

    The answer to second question is little deeper and requires some thought. Anything in this material universe has a cause/karana .See; this universe is embedded in a causal ocean and aranodakshayi Vsihnu creates everything, so karana or cause is required for material events. Therefore; lord had to have a reason for ending his spiritual pastimes here( and perhaps take it elsewhere).This reason was provided by the arrow which also gave Bali  a fair chance( Lord's activities are very well planned).

    The mayavadis, or for that matter anyone is free to think whatever they want. It is this freedom which all souls(including aspiring devotees) were craving to exercise. Therefore; the lord gave everyone, including mayavadis, you and me, this material universe to go and exercise our freedom.  Why should we question the free thoughts of mayavadis when we have other similar thoughts ourselves? We may not be thinking like them, but we are certainly not 100% surrendered .If we were we wouldn't be here..right? So live and let live...

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