Lord Kalki avatar of Lord Shri Kishna

Currently I am reading Srimad Bhagvatam Canto One. Lord Krishna will be taking Kalki avatar
near the end of Kaliyuga and will come on this planet to kill all irreligious people. He
will come after 4,27,000 years from now.

Ever since I read this, I am very excited about knowing a lot about Lord Kalki:
1. Will he have the same beautiful blue complexion which Lord Krishna has ?
2. What will he eat ? Which will be his faviorite food ? (Will milk items be his favourite ?)
3. Will Shesha also take avatar for Lord Kalki ?
4. What weapons will he carry ? Will he carry only a sword ?(We all know how advanced military science has become. There will be people who would also try to kill Him using advance military weapons.)
5. What would be his favourite pastime ? Will he play any musical instrument similar to flute ?
6. What would be his occupation ? (We all know that Lord Krishna used to look after the cows)
7. Will demigods also take avatars and come for Lord Kalki's assistance ?

There are still a lot of years for Him to come to this planet but still I want to know about Him. If you know anything more about Lord Kalki, please share it.

Thank You for your time.

Hare Krishna.

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  • E-Counselor

    Hare KRsna Prabhuji,


    I do not know all the answers, will try to answer the ones I know and what my mind has concluded.

    1) Complexion is not blue - dont remember what the complexion is - but to my memory it is not blue. It is mentioned int eh end of Bhagawatam. Once you reach there, you can read for yourself.

    3 & 7) Lord always appaers with His entourage - Ananta Sesha will surely appear, in what form, I dont know.

    4) He is seen with a sword in all the photographs, drawings etc. Taht is what is mentioned in the Bhagawatam. If you notice, He is on a horse, not any fancy car or gadget as per today's norms. My mental speculation is taht by then the fuel reserves of the world will be long over by then and civilisation will be back to horses. So no surprise that we will be back to swords also by then.


    Your servant,



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