Please Accept My Humble Obeisances.All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.All Glories to Sri Gurudeva and Sri Gauranga.All Glories to the 6 Gosvamis of Vrindaban.Hare KrishnaI have read in many different places that Lord Caitanya is the combined form of Sri Sri Radha Krishna.I find it easier to look at and focus on one deity while I chant my rounds. The form I have been worshipping the most is the Sadbhuja form of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.My question is, is the worship of Sriman Mahaprabhu equivalent to the worship of Sri Sri Radha Govinda?Please forgive me if I have made an offense unknowingly.Aspiring to be your Servant,Bhakta David

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