Life in spiritual world

Hare Krishna

Dandavat Pranam to all devotees

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

My question may be a bit ridiculous or humorous, but since it has come to mind so I want to ask.

It is said that soul's property is to be active.Everyone , however lazy has to do something.Thus Sitting down idle ,merging into the brahman are all against the property of the soul.We also know that this material world is a perverted reflection of the spiritual world, so all these activities in this world are just a reflection of the real activities in the spiritual world.That means all activities like farming,agriculture,milk production,etc. are all existing there also.Excepting the ugra karma everything should be there.

Then all living entities are in harmony with each other and love each other making Krsna the center of attraction.So one confusion was there that how these carnivorous animals like lions,tigers,etc. who eat by killing survive there.Do they also eat grass or some special provision is made by Krsna for these animals or is it like that the spiritual body in any form of life does not require all these things.

May be I am thinking from the material point of view,so the activities in the spiritual world can't be interpreted by material intelligence.Please correct.

Sorry for such an absurd question.

With regards,

Your servant


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  • Volunteer

    After all, there is no question of hunger in spiritual world, for hunger is present in a gross body, not spiritual body. So, no need to kill animals!!!!

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna prabhuji, I think the carnivores in spiritual world lick Krishna's body as the cows do. In material world, everything is for self-gratification. So the carnivores live on flesh to satisfy their hunger. But in spiritual world, Prabhupada says, 'Krishna is the central point of attraction'. So instead of being concerned about their own hunger, they lick His body that will give Him transcendental pleasure !!!

  • Volunteer


    This question I also had many times and asked senior devotees.

    The answer is given by HHRNSM in one of his lectures..

    the carnivores animals are there in spiritual world but they don't eat or trouble other living beings, they are all friends with the other animals and together they please Krishna.

    The carnivores body is also used by them in service of Krishna. And by pleasing Krishna they are completely satisfied and they don't think about their hunger at all.

    But material world is not just reflection,.. it is a "perverted" reflection of spiritual world. So as there is envy and mood of controllership, One animal eats other animal. They are given such types of bodies in material world for satisfaction of their desire to lord over and kill other animals.

    But in spiritual world there is no Lording over as the centre is Krishna and all the living entities in any bodies are serving Krishna and getting completely satisfied.


    • Hare Krishna Prabhuji

      Dandavat pranam

      Thankyou ,very nice answer


      • Volunteer

        they eat freshly churned butter from the hand of Krishna :D

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