Krishna's Mysterious Arrangement

Yesterday I was going to go to Canada but got rejected by the Canadian border due to financial reasons and not having proof of address. Not sure why Krishna had made this arrangement. Sri Sri Radha Vrndavan Chandra didn't want me to leave so soon I guess. Im still puzzled by Krishna's arrangement but I had to accept it. If Krishna wishes me to continue living in New Vrndavan then I will abide by it. I have yet to email my guru Maharaj about this and see what he wants me to do as well.


Krishna may want me to associate with the devotees here in New Vrndavan for a bit since small changes to the temple have been made and more devotees came back to the temple. Krishna probably wants me to see how I'd feel about continuing to stay here first.  So Krishna is being so mysterious to me at the moment. But that is in His nature in how He acts to His devotees by putting them in certain situations like these as a test. We'll see what Krishna will do next.

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