Krishna Prema and His renunciation!!!

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my humble obeisances!!!

All glories to the Vaishnavas! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I have understood that only my eternal father i.e. Lord Sri Krishna can  love truly and its unlimited... I am now longing for Krishna Prema from my heart... I feel like wanting to goto Goloka Vrindavana immediately and seek his love... And I have a doubt.. If he is fully renounced, then how can I get the love of Krishna always? I can't even imagine a second without love of Krishna... Does he really feel my love for him? Bec he is fully renounced i am afraid that i can't enjoy his love eternally, fully always even without a sec... I love krishna bec he is my eternal true father.. I love him and want him to recognize it and love me too.. only he can love without any limits.. but does he understand my feelings for him and how will he respond to me? my dear devotees any idea?

Your Servant,


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    Hare Krishna,

    from your writing I can tell how much love you have for Krsna!! 

    Yes, Krsna Himself is self-satisfied, He doesn't need love from anybody because He is God!

    Yet, from time immemorial and through the puranas and literatures we see Krsna is always engaged in a loving relationship be it with Mother Yashoda, Srimati Radharani and the Gopis, the Gopas, His Dear Friend - Arjuna, His servants, etc.

    Why? Because He wants to reciprocate that love and affection that His servants have for Him. Srila Prabhupada always said: You take one step towards Krsna, Krsna takes 10 steps towards you!

    If you look at all His leelas, it's all about enjoyment. A special pastime is the Damodar Leela where Mother Yashoda could not tie with large amounts of rope this little blue boy to a mortorstone, she was always 2 fingers short. Then when Mother Yashoda surrendered, Krsna immediately allowed Himself to be tied up! The Lord of the Three Worlds, the Creator, Omnipotent, Omniscient, etc. allowed himself to be tied up to a mortorstone simply because of Love.

    So Krsna, even though he isn't hungry for love and affection, is always joyful to taste the love and affection his devotees have for him. It's a sublime relationship! If it's simply marvelous to think about, what must it feel like to be the servant who is loving Krsna, and what must Krsna feel to receive the love (it is an offense to think as if one is Krsna, but I simply wish to invoke that simple thought of that intimate relationship of love between a lover and beloved, or mother-son, friend-friend, etc.)

    And He himself will show his love for you in many ways. For example, He may reveal himself to you to make the connection even more personal, even more attractive, and even more ecstatic. But you will find that your love for Krsna exponentially increasing moment by moment, which is a positive sign that Krsna is reciprocating... you will know when Krsna reciprocates. It's hard to honestly describe because our relationship with Krsna is unique and his relationship and method of communicating with us is also unique, but you will know when Krsna reciprocates. He will test you many times to see how much you love you, but you can pray to Srimati Radharani, Lord Balarama, Mother Yashoda, Nitai-Gauranga, Srila Prabhupada, and those dear to Krsna for help and support because it's only through the love these great personalities have for Krsna that one lowly being such as ourselves can enter Goloka. At the slightest request, Krsna will immediately stop his testing and extend his lotus hands for you :)

    To conclude - think about Lord Chaitanya :: Krsna himself who wanted to know why Srimati Radharani and the inhabitants of Vrindavana were crazy about him, what was so special about Him? Thus, He himself became a devotee to find out these Secrets of Vrindavana and Her People.  

    Oh wow... that was nice to write about :D 

    Nitai - Gauraaaaa Premaaa Anande Hariboooool!

    • Yes prabhu... Its very nice to read too.. U have wonderfully written it down... Thank u very much for such a wonderful reply prabhu...:)

      Your Servant,


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