
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    We are persons then Someone who created us also have to be more qualified than us. In this way we as a person have name, qualities, form, and deeds. in this way Supreme Person also have His Name, Form, Qualities and Lilas-deeds.


    the question You put beginning with "Krishna..." it itself says that He is a Person. Because "Krishna" means All-attractive.

    In this way only Someone who has qualities, form, activities, names can be attractive. Other wise how to be attracted to that which does not exist or for just a light???


    You have nose, cute eyes, hair, legs, lips, hands...then how You dare to think that Someone who created us does not have these things???


    We do not understand even our own body. how it digests food, how it functions, how it creates blood, circulates up to the brain down to the leg fingers....

    In this way someone very intelligent constructed it.

    for example, see this creature:



    or this:





    Who is able to say that Someone who created these beauties are impersonal???

    Krishna is know by 3 Forms:

    As Paramatma

    As Brahman

    As Bhagavan

    Yogis meditate upon Paramatma.

    Impersonalists want to emerge into His Brahman effulgence. People usually become impersonalist because they fed up with material associations. they suffered too much and they close their eyes, ears even to Spiritual association. They think that Spiritual associations also will bring suffer. and they do not want to repeat it again. But in the reality it is not like that.

    Because of that Devotees are fortunate, and They worship to His own Self as Personality of Godhead Krishna.


    Prabhuji, if You want to realize it in Your own self then You have to start to serve to Deities. If You cultivate desire to have Your own Deities then They will soon come to You. And when You serve to Them You will feel that Krishna is a Person!

    Your servant, 

  • Please Accept My Humble Obeisances.

    All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, Sri Gurudev & Gauranga.

    Hare Krishna

    The Vedas say Krishna is the original person, but that He always appears young and attractive. He knows everything, He contains all of reality, and all other living beings are His inseparable parts. He is the all-powerful, supreme controller of all energies. He is known by different names in different cultures (such as God, Allah, and Jehovah, for example).

    Sometimes Krishna sends His representatives—as saints, prophets, or His sons—to teach humankind about Him, and sometimes He comes Himself, as He did approximately 3000 B.C. He spoke the spiritual and philosophical teachings known as the Bhagvad-Gita, which explains the essence of our spiritual identity and our relationship with God

    What are the Vedas? |
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