Krishna Children v New World Order

According to Bhagavat Gita our holly book, karama is the key in life and in todays world population, it is hard for honest people with quality to maintain it with pledge we give to live our lives free from all materialistic value in the world.

One has to adopt total devotion within itself and with other faith and their belief in life, would surely put us on the difficult path in every corner of our lives so how could one maintain faith such as our faith in society?

Many regards us coward not willing to fight but fight for what when we do not take others valuable items for ourselves and we do not adopt corrupt policies in our life so surely this would creat trouble in others life and with limited life such as ours, put us not welcome in every single place in society so how could we maintain balance without putting ourselves in danger?

Present days idols on TV creates super rich in one night and todays generations wants this without effort but this is only for few out of millions yet millions put everything to achieve it and it all goes in vain yet they seems to emain attached until is too late.


When people ask where is God? We reply with our best answer by saying it is a way just like from young age to eldest age you have to read so much to pass your exams so you could lead forward in life so to reach toward Gods path to find him, one has to work towards it without hope because after life long hard work, one would pass the exam, is not guarantee so finding God is not guarantee so people seems to believe, it is far easy to gain wealth then God because at the end we would find God in our old age and they smile.  

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