Krishna - all Powerful

Hare Krishna dear devotees!

I keep hearing that Maya is the Internal Potency of Krishna. Then why is it that Krishna is not requesting Maya to remove the obstacles in today's world and let all people of this kali yuga prosper and go back to godhead? Go back to Krishna? Why isn't Krishna allowing Maya to lead the people in right direction? Is it only in Kali Yuga that Maya is deluding people and not allowing them to prosper in KC? Does Krishna really comes down to earth to help people personally and guide them in right direction?

I would be very much obliged if devotees could help me this context.

Your Servant

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    Hare Krishna Mataji. Dandavat Pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

    Who said Krishna doesn't remove maya / illusionary energy ? He does if we want, even in this material world.

    Maya is of two type - Yogmaya (internal potency) , Mahamaya (External potency).

     Yogmaya (internal potency) - when jiva performs devotional service to lord Krishna as laid down by our scriptures and Acharyas then the person is always with krishna even in the material world itself.

    Mahamaya (External potency) - when jiva wants to enjoy separately of Krishna then it comes under clutches of Lord's external energy mahamaya which consists of three modes goodness,passion and ignorance.

    /*Is it only in Kali Yuga that Maya is deluding people and not allowing them to prosper in KC?*/

    Maya is always there in the universe else creation would not happen. In other yugas people were more connected to Krishna thats why they were able to overcome the clutches of maya easily But in Kaliyuga people are more materialistic so they are suffering more.

    /*Does Krishna really comes down to earth to help people personally and guide them in right direction?*/

    Krishna comes and personally guides the humankind as he did on the battle field of Kurukstera by delivering Bhagavad GIta, again he came as Chaitanya mahaprabhu and gave Harinama to deliver us.

    As we have some minute independence thus we can decide whether we want to serve our own senses or the senses of Hrisikesha (Krishna). When we want to selfishly satisfy our own sense desires then we comes under Krishna's external energy Mahamaya. Because without covering of maya we can't enjoy independently and think ourself lord. But when we turn our face to Krishna and perform devotional service following the footstep of previous acharyas then immedietely Krishna removes his external energy and covered us by his internal potency yogamaya. This stage is called Jivan -mukta or liberated in this life itself. The great soul like Srila Prabhupada and previous acharyas all were able to remove the maya in the very life itself.

    So to remove maya all we need to do is constantly perform devotional service by chanting,hearing ..............service and so on then maya will not touch us.

    Your aspiring servant

    Hari BOl

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