
  • Jai Shri Krishna..


    We as vaishnava's  have a set standard of living and worshiping.  We have many scriptures which explains everything about God and everything there's to know about anything.


    Personally I know of no other following which has such complete knowledge.  Many  born with such birthright miss out on the opportunity to study the Vedas and get out of the circle of life and death.  Those that don't take the opportunity becomes easily misled into other cultures and beliefs. 


  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Shruti Mataji,

    Chanting the Name of Krishna just ONCE is more than sufficient to lose all the sins accumulated over millions of life times. Hope that answers your first question.

    Just have this person repeat the Name Krishna or Rama or Gopala or Govinda or any other primary Name that describes Lord's Pasttimes, just ONCE. He/She will be completely forgiven for all the sins up until that point.

    Just so you know, we must not commit sin on the strength of the Holy Name. Its a serious offense against the Holy Names of God. Called Namaparada.

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