karthik month

Hare krishna,


Please Accept My humble Obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupad!


I am from andhra pradesh. I used to follow karthik since my childhood. According to that Karthik months starts after diwali. We worship Lord shiva specifically in karthik month. We in iskcon start karthik before diwali.

could anyone please explain me this. My parents are asking me why I am doing karthik before diwlai. 

I would like to explain them the reasons. also for my own understanding.



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  • Hare Krishna Ashish Prabhu,

    Thank you very much for your reply.
  • Hare Krishna Seshu Prabhu,
    Kartika month has started from 12th of October this year. Actually kartika month starts from the next day of Sharad Purnima every year and Kartika is very dear to krishna or Vishnu.
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