just some doubts

hare krishna !!

i would be very thankful if someone clearify my doubts.i am chanting my rounds daily but many

times i get troubled by some questions so i thought that these philosophical discussions would help me.


krishna takes birth to kill demons and to give pleasure to the devitees.

when chaitanya mahaprbhu came muslims kings were in power.
And we all know they were abusive towards non momadians and also to devotees.

then why lord does not punished them and established the dharma.

i understand that lord came to inaugrate  the sankirtan movement but it doesn't mean that

 miscreants should not be punished.

i also want to know the meaning of "trund api  sunichen" weather it means that we should tolerate

all that happens to us?

i would also like to be enlightened in the following matter --

varnashram dharma  consists of four varnas and four ashrams then why all emphasis is given on

the brahmanas only? are kshatriyas or vaishyas  not important ? {it is stated in shastras that both a

sanyyasi and a kshatriya who is fighting on the battlefield attain same destination. and sannyas is

prohibited for a khatriya}


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  • nice maralji...


  • Volunteer
    Hare Krishna Rakesh Ravindra Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    1. Lord Chaitanya wanted to kill those demons but every time Devotees remind Him that this time He came to kill the sin not a sinner. He is Krishna in the mood of Supreme Mother Srimati Radharani. He came also in the role of a Devotee. To teach us the science of Devotional practice.

    with tears in His eyes He used to beg everyone even animals to chant the Holy Names and come back to Home.

    Motherly heart is very soft. It can not tolerate the sufferings of others especially her children.


    2. Trinad api sunichena humble than a blade of grass. we have to understand that nothing in this world belong to us. Our wives, children, opulence, wealth, even body ...do not belong to us. We are insignificant souls. And we are swimming in the Ocean of material existence. Nothing to be proud yes?! just cry and beg for a drop of mercy. But if we are not humble and sincere we can not beg as like a beggar.


    3. did not understand Your 3rd question properly.

    Your servant,
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