Andhra Pradesh government and ISKCON Secunderabad are back in news again,
after a lull of five long years. This time it is skyrail and the government
wants to plough it right through the ISKCON temple. And the determined
temple devotees are giving them a tough fight.

In last few days, the issue has incensed public sentiments and media is
providing daily coverage. Hindu organizations, prominent citizens and
political factions have offered their support for the temple cause. So far
985 devotees have vowed to sleep in front of any bulldozers that might dare
to touch the temple walls. They are known as 'Over Our Dead Bodies
volunteers' and their number is set to swell in next few days. The
government has given a deadline of 27th July for the temple to file its
objections and at least 10,000 letters from its followers will be filed as
ISKCON Secunderabad's official reply.

Last time in 2008, the central government (Ministry of Home Affairs) had
advised the state government to be careful in dealing with ISKCON
Secunderabad lest it becomes "the Ayodhya of south India". In spite of this,
the state government has decided, yet again, to play the 'Tom and Jerry'
game with ISKCON Secunderabad.

This is not an isolated incident but an overall indication of the state of
hindu temples in Andhra Pradesh. In this state, the Endowment department
controls more than 31000 temples and all the bureaucracy and corruption has
taken the life out of these temples. Their lands and properties worth
billions have been illegally occupied and the government has remained a mute
spectator or an accomplice. But in case of Christianity and Islam, their
places of worship are not under the government's control.

Few years ago, Andhra Pradesh government issued an order to allot 6 out of 7
hills to other religions on Tirumala hills, claiming Balaji owns only one
out of the seven hills. But Balaji's another name is 'Lord Of The Seven
Hills' and after the protest by Hindu leaders, the government had to
withdraw these controversial orders.

Of course not only the state government, the policies of the Indian
government in general have been against the interests of hindu temples,
especially in the post-independence era. The present case is just another
example of this.

In ISKCON Secunderabad's Ratha yatra on 9th July, hundreds of devotees wore
the T-shirts and caps with the message, " No ISKCON Temple Demolition Till
We Live".

The complete updates are available on our site :

You can sign the petition here:

Facebook page :

Introduction of ISKCON Secunderabad :

How the government is going back on its promise :

How the government is ignoring other alternatives :

Also public opinion manipulation :

Awareness is building up :

ITPC (ISKCON Temple Protection Committee :

We request every one to share this message and give their blessings in this
great war to protect Srila Prabhupada's property. The public opinion is
building up and statewide and nationwide campaign plans have been drawn up.
The story of the sparrow and ocean is our inspiration and we will leave no
stone unturned in this great attempt.

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  • Volunteer

    this is getting annoying. I suspect the minds who decided to try and ban the Gita as extremist literature is at work again, but it's no use in pointing fingers. Does anyone know what is happening. I googled ISKCON Moscow and after digging for a few minutes I find a site that exactly posted what Apurv prabhu had just posted. 

    While we do whatever we do to help ISKCON Moscow, let us also keep Lord NarasimhaDev in our mind and heart and pray to Him for the protection and safety of the devotees in Moscow

  • Volunteer

    reading this made me feel very disgusted... I wonder why our Indian government is so obsessed with shunning the culture that emerged from its own region... I read about how the Taj Mahal was a "Hindu building" and that Shahjahan conquered and changed the Hindu inscriptions, and Indira Gandhi and the govt silenced this when the information started to emerge... I can see that it may start a Hindu / Muslim war again, but still ...

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