
  • Volunteer

    The fact is they drank. 

    I heard in one lecture that Ganesh did so because that year some great soul or souls took birth on this Earth planet. So it is an auspicious sign.

    Your servant, 

    • JAI JAGANNATH.....Our darling Baladev in Rajapur even slapped a boy for trying get the brooch of Subatra devi..The boy literally felt the slap and he knew that it was from Baladev.....

      Even here in Malaysia, i think it happened six years ago...One devotee was holding Baladev, who was ready to go for a ride on the chariot....That was the first time he carried the deity but he was not feeling scared...He was carrying the deity very casually and when it was time to place Baladev on the chariot he nearly dropped him... in less than a second he felt a great punch on his cheek.... no body else was around...other devotees were busily engaged in other services, the pujari was preparing the arati set....Who could have done that? He said that the pain was there for at least a week and he actually took a medical leave the next day.....

      Even when my husband was a bramhachari, he used to dress Radha Madhav in Mayapur before putting them to rest at night. The very first day he went in the altar, he swelled with pride that he was chosen to dress up the deities...The moment he had this taught, Radharani's pointing finger (the hand she usually holds a garland) pricked on his forehead and he was bleeding profusely.....Many devotees have many kinds of experiences while dealing with the deities...

      Deities do reciprocate......


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