
  • Volunteer

    When Srila Prabhupada was asked what is the benefit of chanting this Hare Krishna Mahamantra, he said that by chanting this Mantra, we will get a taste to chant it eternally. Material benefits may or may not come by chanting, but it should really not be the motive for a aspiring devotee to chant the Mahamantra. Mahamantra is non different from Krishna and when we are chanting we can actually have personal association of Krishna himself.

    Krishna says in Gita, ye yata maam prapadyante... how ever one approaches me, I reward him accordingly. If we ask for some cheap and temporary material things, then Krishna will easily fulfill that but he will remain inaccessible for us for ever until we stop asking for things. Krishna is our Lord and we are meant to be his servants. Just imagine how we will feel if our maid servant at home comes and instead of serving us starts ordering us to give this and that. We will feel offended but Krishna will not. He will give these cheap things easily. But when we are asking something from some one, we should see what we can get the best he has. And the best thing that Krishna has is Love and devotion to Krishna and his devotees. This is very difficult to achieve. one should always aspire for such like diamonds and not broken pieces of glass.

    I was in one of the class where in one devotee was explaining how insignificant is this material life and the wealth we accumulate in this life. First of all, he explained us how very insignificant our life span is as compared to the eternal time. Then he asked this question. What will you feel if you are given ALL the wealth and opulence in this creation but for only one trillionth of a second of our life span??? Do we really care for such a wealth? even by the time we read this statement, the wealth would have come and gone. That is how glorious if our life asking for material benefits.

  • Volunteer

    my humble obeisances dear Devotees,

    Krishna is our Mother, He is our Father. He only is taking care of our food, cloth, protection from the time immemorial. He loves us so much.

    As a loving Mother He further more also won't keep us hungry. If we take care of Krishna by trying to serve to Him, by chanting His Names, by hearing about His glories...He will take care of us and of our needs.

    He is our best Friend. Friend is always concerned about the well being of a friend. Because of that no need to bother Him asking to give us something for ourselves. Good Friend gives those things automatically. 

    Pratap Prabhuji, while chanting our 16 rounds we have to be attentive. We have try to hear the Holy Names bringing mind to the Holy Names again and again. At least for two hours we should fully be observed with the Holy Names.

    Then after that You can pray to Krishna with Your own words about Your basic needs: that You need job etc.

    And it is ok. We can remember how Sudama Vipra also went to Krishna for asking some material things. And that is also devotional service: whatever we need we go to Krishna not to Demigods, nor to anyone.

    And also it is nice to do some yagya like distribution of Prasadam and ask for prayers of Devotees.

    Your servant,

    • Hare Krishna Mataji,

      Your voice always makes me feel that Krishna is communicating with me.

      Haribola Haribola.

      Jai Jagannath

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krsna

    Chanting Hare Krsna mahamantra will give us what we want, if we pray for material things , we will get that but that is an offense , because Chanting is not meant for this purpose. It is the 8th offense in the chanting of the holy name- To consider chanting of Hare Krsna one of the auspicious ritualistic activities offered in the Vedas as fruitive activities ( karma-kanda). So we have to be careful if we chant for this purpose.

    Please do not take any offenses for what I have written, Please forgive me if my words hurt or offended you in anyway.

    your servant

  • Hari Bol Prabhu jee!

    The effect of chanting is that anything material, not needed by you, is taken away. So chanting takes out the material and materialistic gains. This helps you in advancing.

    Your servant,


  • hare krishna.dandvat pranam.

    primary product(outcome) of chanting is spiritual of chanting is material benedictions.  

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