Hare KrishnaI was thinking that Sripad Visvarup had taken sannyas and it would make sense as far as time is concerned that he is the ascetic who took Lord Nitai from His parents.Is this correct or supported by any sastra?Forgive me if I'm wrong.Your servantBhakta David

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    After taking sannyassa nobody saw Lord Chaitanya's brother Vishvarup.

    He is the incarnation of Lord Nityananda.

    And in one lecture HH Radhanath Swami told that when Lord Nimai was initiated into a Brahmana Vishvarup came to Him as a Brahmanical rope and served to Him in this way.

    Lord Nitay left home when he was 12 if i do not do mistake. Then he did pilgrimage. But after many years when he meet Lord Chaitanya he was ordered by Lord to enter into Grihastha ashram and preach to those fallen souls who are in that ashrama. 

    Then he married to the two daughters of Suryadasa Jahnava and her elder sister...

    Your servant, 

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