"is he ekadasi?"

so i am in a dream, I am using a discus and decapitating a lot of people it seems that we are in a war of sorts, i become conscious or rather lucid while the massacre is going on.,

to not harm people i take my own discus and decapitate myself;

then like if some evaluation is beign done; a voice asks another (i cant see them and i dont know who is commenting to who or for what reason, but he asks: "is he ekadasi?"

I then started looking up the meaning of the word ekadasi.

it means 11, what does ekadashi mean?ii googled and it seems to be a calendar day, i thought it would be more of an adjective, like stupid, guilty, compassionate or something like that.

i dont know what to make of the dream; i simply woke up after that when i felt the discus touch and go into my neck.

please help devotees of the lord

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