Is everyone Hindu on this earth??

Hare Krishna all,



  Hinduism and its related scriptures are oldest on earth and it is true even though many dont agree and accept because of ego. Can anyone kindly explain How other religions have come. Chrishtianity says adam and eve are the first human beings on earth and their progeny is all this population. How can children born to same parents take part in reproduction, that seems nonsense to me and even if they did how come these many races have come into existance. What does hinduism say about this human evolution, races, and formation of religions??? If everyone was hindu initially how come there are no temples or some evidence of hinduism in the western countries???  Recently I have seen some pictures of Egypt and greek which can be related hinduism.

I am asking this because religion and beliefs have become the main cause for the split of the society and world. Religion is created to establish peace and harmony. What is the connection of these races and who is who??? are these races part of species???


Hari bol....

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    In Srimad Bhagavatam it says that first Lord created His Virat Rupa form. And all other material elements, and put seeds - conditions souls into that form. Virat Rupa form is not other than the Lotus stem. Later only Lord Brahma meditated upon Lord within His heart and after many years could see Him. He got instructions from Him, studied Vedic knowledge trice.
    First he created all the we told before. He created Manu the forefather of humanity. He created a wife for him also. When he created Prajapatis he created wives for them also. For example, Kashyapa Muni had Demigod sons from his Aditi wife and Demon sons from his Diti wife.

    (Maybe, it is my speculation, Christians consider Manu and his wife as Adam and Eva. but do not believe to it, i did not read it anywhere. )
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Aakash Menon Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances!
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    First of all there was no any kind of Hinduism religion. This title became from the word "Sindh" (or something like this (maybe sacred River Ganges as Sindh- saintly). Muslims or Britishers could not pronounce this correctly and just started to call as Hindu.
    5000 years ago people were Aryans. Aryans mean those who follow Vedic principles and rules in their lives.
    There was only one emperor and one Empire and only one capital city - Hastinapur.
    5000 years ago was one Emperor names King Yayati. He had 5 sons. From his 2 wives. He did something wrong and get a curse from a Brahmana that he will get old. King became sad and requested to forgive him. Then Brahmana told that if one of your sons will agree to give his youth to you then you can become young again and that son of you will become very powerful king.
    The King Yayati asked his 1st son Yadu to give his youth. Son refused, Yayati cursed him that his followers won't ever rule the kindom.
    2nd son Turvasu also refused. King cursed him that his followers will not follow Aryan culture, that they will eat meat, have sex with their gurus' wives, and live animal life.
    He asked the 3rd son Druhyu. Son refused, he cursed him that he never ever will achieve what he wants. You won't have the fame of a king and will be surrounded by bhojas and live in wild country where there is no enough roads.
    The 4th son Anu also was cursed that his followers will live short life and very dirty life, and he will die pulling into the yagya fire.
    At least the 5th son Puru agreed to give his youth to his father. And the King blessed him that he will become a king and his followers will achieve everything they want.
      From Yadu became the Dynasty of Yadav. From Turvasu yavanas, from Druhyu bhojas, from Anu mlechhas, and from Puru Pururavas.
    And Srila Prabhupada in Srimad Bhagavatam in the purport mentions that yavanas may be called present Turkish people, mlechhas especially Greek people.
    Those five sons ruled in different parts of the world. But Puru and his dynasty stayed in Bharata Varsha. Then later Bharatan Varsha also started to degrade. In His Spiritual Warrior Book His Holines Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaja says that Pururavas later moved to the present Egypt. Pururavas - Pharaons. They also built there Pyramids with the power of sound vibration. Not by mens' physical power as we learned at the school.
    Later degradation became more powerful, then Pururavas went into the Earth. We know Bermuda triangle. It is the door into the Earth. Nowadays they perform their meditation there. But sometimes people disturb them by taking gas from deep underground and they answer as Earthquakes etc.
    In Puranas mentions that in a particular age, place will appear non literal Prophet, (non literal here means that He won't know how to write and read, but it means that He is a very intelligent that He does not use but just memorize everything by heart). This was about the Prophet Muhammed. And it says that He will guide those people who are ready to kill their children, degraded people. It says that He will guide them and somehow or other reduce their sinful activities. In Koran it says do not drink blood! It does not mean that one has to kill and take wash out the blood and eat, but eat means do not kill!
    And also it says that Jesus Christ for nearly 18 years was in Bharata Varsha and took spiritual knowledge after that He returned His place and started to preach the science of God. He thought His people: love your closer one! He told: do not kill! (if it was about not killing a man only, Jesus Christ would say not to kill a man, but He said not to kill. It means animals also.
    Also, saying that: you drink wine as my blood, He wanted to say that you are drinking my blood by performing sin. but if you drink it in that consciousness, some day you will understand and wake up that it is not correct.
    In Puranas there is also about Adam and Eva. They appeared from the fire yagya. This incident happened long after King Yayati, nearly in present Europe. (i really forgot exactly the reason why they performed yagya).
    In Srimad Bhagavatam says that this universe was created 311 trillion 40 milliard years back. (And our age also like that.)
    First living entity was Lord Brahma who appeared from the gigantic lotus flower from the Garbhadakashayi Vishnu. And Lord Bharma by meditation saw the Lord and heard the sound: "AUM" using that sound He started to construct this universe. First He created needed people: sages, Mahajans, Kumaras, Lord Shiva, Prajapatis...and prajapatis could give birth to millions of children and fulfill the universe with 800 000 types of living beings.
    "Yoga" means connection, connection with God. "Religio" also means connection. When we really follow religion or really connect ourselves to God serving Him then only peace and harmony will be. Otherwise we misinterpret the meaning of religion, yoga, dharma.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
    Your servant, maral

    • Hare Krishna Maral Mataji,

      Sorry one more doubt, one of the  devotees told me that people of western countries are aryans who ran away from bharat varsha, when lord parashuram started killing kshatriyas. But your answer is more appropriate, what do you think about above explaination.


      servant of your servants



      • Volunteer

        Hare Krishna Aakash Menon Prabhu,

        Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

        yes, when Lord Parashurama attacked the administrative class of people some of them escaped to the present Egypt. Lord Parashurama came to this planet before Lord Ramachandra so this incident happened long ago from Pururavas. In this way both are not wrong.

        Here from Srimad Bhagavatam:



        When the ruling administrators, who are known as the ksatriyas, turned astray from the path of the Absolute Truth, being desirous to suffer in hell, the Lord, in His incarnation as the sage Parasurama, uprooted those unwanted kings, who appeared as the thorns of the earth. Thus He thrice seven times uprooted the ksatriyas with His keenly sharpened chopper.


        The ksatriyas, or the ruling administrators of any part of the universe, either on this planet or on other planets, are factually the representatives of the Almighty Personality of Godhead, and they are meant to lead the subjects towards the path of God realization. Every state and its administrators, regardless of the nature of the administration--monarchy or democracy, oligarchy or dictatorship or autocracy--have the prime responsibility to lead the citizens toward God realization. This is essential for all human beings, and it is the duty of the father, spiritual master, and ultimately the state to take up the

        responsibility of leading the citizens towards this end. The whole creation of material existence is made for this purpose, just to give a chance to the fallen souls who rebelled against the will of the Supreme

        Father and thus became conditioned by material nature. The force of material nature gradually leads one to a hellish condition of perpetual pains and miseries. Those going against the prescribed rules and

        regulations of conditional life are called brahmojjhita-pathas, or persons going against the path of the Absolute Truth, and they are liable to be punished. Lord Parasurama, the incarnation of the Personality of Godhead, appeared in such a state of worldly affairs and killed all the miscreant kings twenty-one times. Many ksatriya kings fled from India to other parts of the world at that time, and according to the authority of the Mahabharata, the kings of Egypt originally migrated from India because of Parasurama's program of chastisement. The kings or administrators are similarly chastised in all circumstances whenever they become godless and plan a godless civilization. That is the order of the Almighty.


        In the reality the whole world called as Bharata Varsha. For example, in Mahabharata we find the word "astra" which means gun. Before the Kurukshetra war Pandavas hided their astras in a secluded place. Nowadays some Devotees say that it was Australiya. The land of guns.

        Also other countries titles' have their deep rooted history. For example, "Russia" from the word "rshi" learned scholar. The Caspian sea in Central Asia, from history we know that before this sea was very wide, only later dried up and became smaller. And researchers say that it was the bathing place of Kashyapa Muni the father of Demigods and Demons.

    • Hare Krishna Maral Mataji,


      All glories to srila prabhupada

                    There are no words to thank you, I didnt know that bhagavatam explained evolution process in such detail. That is the reason in egyptian pyramids or somewhere nearby they found drawing depicting Jagannath,baldev,Subhadra maa and even greek mythology and our history have similarites like Hercules fighting with serpants like krishna and dionysus encircled with snakes like more small doubt what about women all the people you mentioned who are created by bramha are males, then how did they filled universe with populations, is that with some mystic power?

      Thank you very much mataji

      Servant of your servants


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